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Heel Verlag
Stephanie Becker-Barth
Original language

College Cooking for Young Students

Stefan Wiertz

SPECIFICATIONS: ●●● 128 pages ●●● more than 100 colour photographs ●●● flexicover ●●● trim size 183 x 225 mm ●●● retail price: € 14.99

This new cookbook by well-known TV chef Stefan Wiertz is filled with good value, quick and easy recipes for typical dishes that all students love these days: wraps, hot dogs, burgers, bowls, pasta, pan-fried and casseroles dishes in any form and variety. Tried and tested on site by Stefan Wiertz, who’s been selling customized dishes out of a food-truck in colleges around Germany as the main man behind the “Campus Cooking Tour” which Telekom invented 10 years ago. In addition he also provides lots of basic kitchen knowledge and many tips and tricks in order to help the students prepare and store their delicious and healthy brain food.

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Published 2019-02-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783958437975

Main content page count: 128 Pages

ISBN: 9783958437975