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Eleonora Sottili

The story of a lighthearted sentimental and literary education, with a self-deprecating, a bit naive and romantic protagonist. A charming original novel that celebrates love of great literature.
Eleonora was one of those little girls who write poems about clouds and bucolic short stories. But then she became a melancholic adult, stuck in the quiet and monotonous life of her provincial home-town. At thirty-two, she feels confined by a grey boring job and a dull marriage: she has worked so hard not to be touched by grief that she has ended up feeling nothing clearly. After the death of her father, she decides to attend a creative writing workshop, giving space to that childhood dream and to new possibilities. The encounter with a small group of fellow students and with a talented teacher (a good-looking actor), along with the readings and performance exercises she is given week after week - climbing over a red rope, diving into freezing water, climbing a tree, to name just a few examples - will lead her to an unexpected but ultimately much desired metamorphosis. Together with new companions, who "really love writing" but never actually write (a great cast of characters), she will start copying the habits of the great authors of the past, and those of their characters. From Flaubert to Tolstoy, from Mary Shelley to Virginia Woolf, from Dumas to Conan Doyle. Getting inspiration from Kafka's diaries, following the life of RL Stevenson through a set of wonderful photos taken in the Samoa Islands, reading Virginia Woolf and of her "room of one's own," or comparing the habits of Flaubert and Emma Bovary or those of Tolstoy and Anna Karenina. Learning in fact not to be afraid of ghosts, to desire, to keep secrets and to reveal them at the right moment, to confidently take new paths. Eleonora Sottili cheerfully dialogues with great classics, out of a shared passion, curiosity and wonder for literature, telling the joyful story of a young woman's path of self-discovery. Eleonora Sottili was born in Tuscany and works at the Scuola Holden in Turin. She has published two previous novels Se tu fossi neve (Giunti, 2015) and Senti che vento (Einaudi, 2020).
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Published 2024-06-01 by Einaudi


Among the things that can make you a writer, there are some you'd never suspect: climbing a tree, changing the rhythm of your steps, buying a green velvet dress, drawing up a list of secrets, crossing a border drawn by a red rope. Eleonora Sottili tells us how all this taught her to live and to write with intensity, authenticity and ferocity. "How to Become Anna Karenina" is part creative writing manual, part romance, part keyhole on the chaotic lives of literature's great minds. Above all, it's a treat, that reminds us that perhaps "there's a lot more love around than fog". In books as in life.

A delightful novel about the transformative power of stories.

The ironic, somewhat unconventional and adventurous story of a 32-year-old woman who attends a writing school where life and books blur together.

By mere chance I read this novel by Eleonora Sottili while on a train, thus testing the author's ability to infuse everyday objects with a magical, unrepeatable, adventurous aura. That kind of aura that only true literature can confer. Sottili succeeds thanks to the grace of natural talent, thanks to her light, ingenious humor, to a sympathy for humanity and a freshness so rare and precious that upon finishing the novel you return to your life with the impression of having been refreshed deep inside by that opening of horizons that only beautiful books can guarantee.

FR: Calman-Lévy