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Susanne Simor
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Conflict of interpretation

Heinrich August Winkler

The Dispute over German History

To this day, German history is a contested terrain on which political conflicts are often fought out: Is there a historical German “special path”? Does Germany bear a greater responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War than other nations? How did Hitler's rise to power, and how could the Holocaust happen? These are just some of the historical-political questions which Heinrich August Winkler has treated repeatedly. This volume brings together some of the most important contributions by the prominent historian, who has participated in these "conflicts of interpretation” for more than half a century and often played a decisive role in shaping them.

A Germany that opens itself unreservedly to the political culture of the West and at the same time develops a critical relationship to its own past - such a Germany had to be won after 1945 against all odds. Heinrich August Winkler's new book tells of this often bitterly fought disputes. Regardless of whether the attempts to instrumentalize history came from the left or the right, Winkler's interventions always pursued a dual purpose: correcting legends and backing the culture of democratic pluralism - knowledgeably, astutely and, sometimes with a strong shot of polemic.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 304 Pages