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Terre di mezzo
Eleonora Armaroli
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Contemporary Art is Child’s Play

Giulia Volontè Elena Valdré

An interactive alphabet book guiding young readers through the unknown field of contemporary art, in a fresh and fun way that aims to maintain the typical gaze of a child, amazed and unprejudiced, in front of a work of art. The intent is to accompany kids in their discovery of today’s art – too often viewed as an obscure matter by adults – with a colourful, playful approach that focuses on the appealing aspects of the latest artistic expressions. Each letter refers to a key concept of contemporary art, actively involving the reader through games, since this is one of the best ways to understand art with the innocent eyes of a child.
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Published by Terre di mezzo Editore , ISBN: 9788861894075

Main content page count: 64 Pages

ISBN: 9788861894075