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DeA PLaneta Libri
Maria Luisa Borsarelli
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Dads come from Mars and moms from Venus

Barbara Tamborini Alberto Pellai

Amazon Best Seller

Discovering that you will soon be parents. Knowing that your life will change forever. Becoming a parent couple, after having being an affective couple. The changes that a man and a woman have to face at the birth of their first child are drastic. It’s the biggest TURNING POINT. Everything changes in a radical way: the schedules, the pace of days, the way you look at the past and the future, the relationship with oneself and with the other

In this book, a man and a woman tell their turning point, from their own respective points of view. They do it as parents, but also as experts: he is a psychotherapist, she is an

educational psychologist. The main educational challenges that build up the father’s

and mother’s curriculum during their child’s first three years of life are told in “direct live” and then analyzed to understand what happens inside both their heads and how to find, in dissimilarity, an original and unique summary. The book shows 15 situations where mom and dad build up their parent curriculum in the first triennium of their child’s

life, that period of existence in which the child’s brain – just like neuroscience has proved in a clear way in the last 20 years - develops and defines, generating the attitudes and ways in which the rest of existence will be faced. But the first three years of life is also the period in which a man and a woman learn how to become parents, and they have to do it by optimizing their reciprocal differences while completing their respective strengths and weaknesses. Because if this doesn’t happen, these three years will become the worst nightmare in the family’s history, putting at risk the solidity and resistance over time, in addition to the project of happiness that should instead represent the true goal for everyone: mom, dad and child.

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Published by deAgostini , ISBN: 9788851142148

Main content page count: 220 Pages

ISBN: 9788851142148