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Jonathan Beck
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The Book of Flight

Johann Hinrich Claussen

A Retelling of the Bible in 40 Chapters

The Bible tells of people who are driven out and abducted, fleeing, living in a foreign land, and seeking a home – from the expulsion from Paradise to the exodus from Egypt and the Babylonian exile to Jesus and his apostles wandering homeless through the world.

Johann Hinrich Claussen, through his incisive retellings and commentaries, gives us the opportunity to participate in a rediscovery of the Bible as THE book of flight. An incredibly moving new interpretation for all of us to contemplate, whether we are settled, seeking, or homeless. Claussen focuses on a common theme that pervades the Bible, but has received very little attention until now. The decline of the homeland, flight, exile and the desire to return to a promised land shape so many of its stories, prophetic speeches, and songs. He briefly explains which real historical experiences of destruction, flight and exile are at the heart of the text. Thus, the Bible proves to be a kind of secure new homeland for persecuted and displaced people till today. Claussen also includes 44 impactful images captured by famous photographers between the years 1860 to 1950. This gallery of unforgettable historical documents bears witness to modern day events wherein people around the world became homeless through war, persecution, and need.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406726903

Main content page count: 332 Pages

ISBN: 9783406726903