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Jonathan Beck
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The German Empire in the Middle Ages

Stefan Weinfurter

A Brief History from 500 to 1500

1000 years of German history – a fascinating journey through the Medieval Period.

In his engaging book, Stefan Weinfurter creates a vivid and impressive portrait of the German empire in the period from 500 to 1500 based on the most important historical events and turning points. He takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the time of the Middle Ages and describes key moments in imperial history. He explains the importance of the baptism of the Frankish king Clovis, illuminates the Christian design of the empire under the Carolingians and Ottonians and shows how in the 11th century the emperor discovered the pope had become a self-confident challenger. He explains how, since the 12th century, the kingdom itself had become “holy” and acquired an aura of untouchable greatness. As a sign of further development, Weinfurter describes how the Latin-influenced empire evolved – due in part to the increasing acceptance of the vernacular – into the German Empire during the 13th century. Although, at the time of the Middles Ages, this empire is still far behind in terms of art and science when compared to Italy and France, it does possess an astonishing diversity that will help create a cultural nation in the heart of Europe over the coming centuries.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406723971

Main content page count: 320 Pages

ISBN: 9783406723971


Polish translation rights sold to Polish Scientific Press