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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Bruce Schneier

The Hidden Battles to Capture your Data and Control your World

A leading expert on internet security takes a clear, precise, and ultimately shocking look at the ways corporations and governments track and control us, and the ways we can fight back.
Even though the internet favours decentralized groups and inverts power dynamics, institutional powers are winning the battle for power - and winning big. Data is everywhere. We create it every time we go online, turn our phone on (or off!), or pay with a credit card. This data is stored, studied, and bought and sold by corporations and governments for surveillance and for control. “Foremost security expert” (Wired) and best-selling author Bruce Schneier shows how this data has led to a double-edged Internet—a Web that gives power to the people but is abused by the institutions on which those people depend. In Data and Goliath, Schneier reveals the full extent of surveillance, censorship, and propaganda in society today, examining the risks of cybercrime, cyberterrorism, and cyberwar. He shares technological, legal, and social solutions that can help shape a more equal, private, and secure world. This is a book everyone with an Internet connection—or bank account, or smart device, or car, for that matter—needs to read. Bruce Schneier is a security technologist and best-selling author. He is a Fellow at Harvard University and the CTO of Co3 Systems, serves on the board of directors for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and is a frequent commentator on these issues. His very influential web newsletter may be found at
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Published 2015-03-01 by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. - New York (USA)


Russian: Alpina, Chinese Complex: As If

Schneier did not need the Snowden revelations, as important as they are, to understand the growing threat to personal privacy worldwide from government and corporate surveillance—he’s been raising the alarm for nearly two decades. But this important book does more than detail the threat; it tells the average low-tech citizen what steps he or she can take to limit surveillance, and thus fight those are seeking to strip privacy from all of us.

Bruce Schneier has written a hugely insightful and important book about how big data and its cousin, mass surveillance, affect our lives, and what to do about it. In characteristic fashion, Schneier takes very complex and varied information and ideas and makes them vivid, accessible, and compelling.

Bruce Schneier eröffnet am 23. Januar 2015 mit Edward Snowden ein Symposium der Harvard University. Das Gespräch wird anschliessend online abrufbar sein. Read more...

A pithy, pointed, and highly readable explanation of what we know in the wake of the Snowden revelations, with practical steps that ordinary people can take if they want to do something about the threats to privacy and liberty posed not only by the government but by the Big Data industry.

The public conversation about surveillance in the digital age would be a good deal more intelligent if we all read Bruce Schneier first.

Schneier exposes the many and surprising ways governments and corporations monitor all of us, providing a must-read Users Guide to life in the Data Age. His recommendations for change should be part of a much needed public debate.

As it becomes increasingly clear that surveillance has surpassed anything that Orwell imagined, we need a guide to how and why we're being snooped and what we can do about it. Bruce Schneier is that guide—step by step he outlines the various ways we are being monitored, and after scaring the pants off us, he tells us how to fight back.

A judicious and incisive analysis of one of the most pressing new issues of our time, written by a true expert.