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Decker Machine Elements

Karl-Heinz Decker

Function, Design and Calculation

Decker Machine Elements is a standard – compact, easy-to-understand and proven over many years! The new edition of Decker Machine Elements gives a short and concise intro of the most important elements, such as gears, transmissions, springs, bearings, materials etc. The text is complemented with many calculation examples from daily practice. The most important formulas are emphasized and are explained with calculation examples in color.

This textbook is useful for engineers and technicians in school and in practice. Thus, the book can be used in universities, technical colleges, trade schools and related institutions.


It presents clearly structured tables with the most important machine elements and describes each group of elements separately. Thus, the reader can study each particular area independently. The 20thedition comes with a free booklet of “Tables and Diagrams.”


New in the 20thedition:


•          The chapter “Fundamentals” has been completely revised

•          New chapter about materials

•          Strength calculations have been newly written

•          New chapter about planetary transmissions

•          Changes in codes and specs are reflected in new book

•          Many new pictures and tables

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Published 2018-03-01 by Hanser , ISBN: 9783446450295

Main content page count: 820 Pages

ISBN: 9783446450295