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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Dennis Patrick Slattery Jennifer Leigh Selig Deborah Anne Quibell Thomas Moore

Seven Ways to Spark Your Creative Spirit

A deeply intimate exploration of the "7 Ways" to creativity led by three authors whose collaboration provides meditations on the creative process as well as practical and reflective exercises.
Reignite your creative spark with accessible meditations and practices developed by three experts on creativity and collaboration across three generations. Whether you're a filmmaker, writer, musician, artist, graphic designer, dabbler, or doodler, all creative people face the challenges of myriad distractions and pressure to produce. Devoting space for the creative spark has become increasingly difficult. Deep Creativity is a call for making that space and an invitation to intentionally and introspectively engage with the creative life through seven time-tested pathways, available to you right where you are. The authors' novel approach includes fifteen principles of creativity that not only inspire but also set you up for a lifetime of self-expression. This highly resourceful book offers practical guidance as well as deep reflection on the creative process. For more information, visit Deborah Anne Quibell, PhD, has taught healing and meditation for over fourteen years and holds a PhD in depth psychology. She studied under Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. She has published in academic journals and top online publications and authored Soulbird: Poems for Flying. She is a senior instructor for the Institute for Inner Studies and teaches pranic healing, yoga, and meditation in Europe and the United States. She is regularly invited to speak at international conferences and festivals and has made television and radio appearances. Jennifer Leigh Selig, PhD, spent over thirty years in education, where she was known for her innovative and cross-disciplinary approach to curriculum and program development in literature, humanities, and depth psychology. She travels the world teaching courses on deep creativity, including deep memoir and deep vocation. She is the author of dozens of newspaper articles, book reviews, journal articles, three screenplays, and is either the author, editor, contributor, or publisher of over sixteen books. She is a frequently invited speaker to national and international conferences, symposiums, and workshops. Dennis Patrick Slattery, PhD, has taught for over forty-five years, most recently at Pacifica Graduate Institute, where he is faculty emeritus. He is the author, coauthor, editor, or coeditor, of twenty-four books including seven volumes of poetry and a novel, and he has published over two hundred articles. A frequent guest on radio talk shows, he offers "riting" personal myth retreats across the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Switzerland. He enjoys working with a wide variety of audiences interested in using writing and drawing to explore the mythology that moves within them.
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Published 2019-03-26 by Shambhala


Deep Creativity is a call to acknowledge each person's originality that inspires their creativity. The authors tell us that if we are faithful to our own idiosyncratic gifts and ignore the voice of the critic, desire and love will fuel our creative fire. What inspires me most about this delightful book are the stories told by each author about their unique creative process and the reflections they offer the reader at the end of each chapter to spark our creative spirit.

For those whose creative life could use a boost as well as a grounding, reading and engaging with Deep Creativity offers a warm breeze of inspiration, as if from the original Alter of the Muses in Athens. This unique work combines probing essays into both the madness and euphoria of making art with a range of practices designed to rekindle the love and attentiveness needed for soulful self-expression.

The title alone calls one to reflection and adventure. The chapters propel us deeper while the topics assist in our soul's singing when engaged in the art of creativity, an act that makes us all feel alive. These three muses touch our souls in ways only poetic writing can, while simultaneously providing the inspiration for the reader to reach for a pen, brush, instrument, or their creative method of choice. The readings are like medicine, with a probable side effect of propelling others to be creative.

This is a must-read for anyone looking for insight or inspiration into the creative process. Learn from the master teachers.

Deep Creativity will live on my favorite bookshelf, alongside The Artists's Way, Bird by Bird, Flow, and Big Magic, all books that inspire the creative spirit. What Deep Creativity adds is inspiration for the creative soul, diving deep as the others fly high. The authors, three voices from three generations, draw the reader into an open-hearted, open-ended conversation. They share personal stories and universal struggles, then invite us in to creatively examine our own thoughts, feelings, memories, and dreams as we explore and deepen our own creative potential.

Deep Creativity is an appeal, reminder, and summons to engage the autonomous 'Other' that resides within each of us, just outside the range of ego intentionality. The authors appeal to our innate desires to create the world around us and to reclaim our coauthorship of experience that seeks incarnation in the world through us. Through examples and precepts, they lead the reader into a new experience of what is oldest in each of us.