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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
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DEFIANT UNTO DEATH (Master of War 2)

David Gilman

Like its predecessor, DEFIANT UNTO DEATH contains a stunning chain of visceral set pieces and minute observations that bring Blackstone and the savage age he lived in to life.
It is six years since Thomas Blackstone fought at Calais and his reputation is now established, with two children and a fortified manor house in Normandy from which he offers protection to his villagers. King John II sees conspiracy at every corner, the French–English truce has broken down and the war continues, with the Prince of Wales devastating the South. When Blackstone helps take control of a vital castle for the English allies and enrages the King, he finds himself in conflict with an old enemy, a vicious mercenary, known as le prêtre sanguinaire – the Savage Priest. This is a man who once pursued his wife, Christiana, and a terrible secret Blackstone has kept from her is revealed. The story continues to unfold in the third book, GATE OF THE DEAD, which Head of Zeus have accepted with delight, to be published in February 2016, and VIPER'S CHILD for 2017. David's great skill at action and pacing comes from long experience as a scriptwriter and novelist. He spent a decade as principal writer on A Touch of Frost and has written for several long-running series like Dalziel & Pascoe. His YA eco-adventure trilogy DANGER ZONE was sold in 14 languages, but it's clear that adult historical adventure is his true metier. He has also had an impressive array of interesting jobs – from fire-fighter to professional photographer, from soldier in the Parachute Regiment's Reconnaissance Platoon to a Marketing Manager for Penguin South Africa. So he has experience of real action, as well as the cut-and-thrust of publishing ! Now, David is based in Devon, where he lives with his wife, and leads a quieter life, while sending Thomas Blackstone into battle
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Published 2015-02-01 by Head of Zeus





‘I haven't read anything like this book before. It was very sad at times and it brought more than one tear to my eye but parts were also funny and made me laugh out loud. I liked this sad, humorous, emotional book and I rate it 9¾ out of 10.' – Children's Books site, The Guardian



'A gritty book, sparing nothing in its descriptions of the realities of Medieval warfare. I'm sure readers will hope for more from this author.' – Daily Mail