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Condoleeza Rice

Stories from the Long Road To Freedom

From the former Secretary of State and bestselling author—a sweeping, definitive look at the birth, life and struggle of global democracy.
From the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union to the ongoing struggle for human rights in the Middle East, Condoleezza Rice has been on the frontlines of history. She was a child when her hometown of Birmingham, Alabama, became the epicenter of the Civil Rights Movement. In DEMOCRACY, Rice explains what these epochal events teach us about democracy. But no two transitions to democracy are the same. The question is not how to create perfect circumstances, but how to move forward under difficult ones. At a time when people around the world are wondering whether democracy is in decline, Rice shares insights from her experiences as a policymaker, scholar, and citizen, in order to put democracy's challenges into perspective.

Rice's previous books are consistent bestseller, and indicating a terrific sales track for this title, and her positive political notoriety will corroborate hat. Rice is beloved by conservatives and respected far and wide in politics and in the media. Her take on embattled global democracy will frame the conversation.

Condoleezza Rice is the current Denning Professor in Global Business and the Economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a professor of Political Science at Stanford University. Rice was the second woman and first African American woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of State and the first woman to serve as National Security Advisor under President George W. Bush.
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Published 2017-05-02 by Twelve/Hachette


In this interview with Rachel Martin about her book Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice assesses the Trump administration's outreach to dictators. Read more...

DEMOCRACY is a #1 Amazon Bestseller in 3 different categories

AAppearing on CBS' Face the Nation on Sunday in order to promote her new book, Democracy: The Long Road to Freedom, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a salient point about the progression of democracy, and how promoting stable democracies abroad is in our own national interest... Read more...

DEMOCRACY debuted at #4 on the New York Times Bestseller List after its first full week on sale!

Condoleezza Rice serves as an able and insightful guide in this journey through democracy across the globe. Her knowledge and clear-eyed assessment of the challenges facing this system of government make this book an important contribution to a pressing debate on democracy today.

Condoleezza Rice: The moral and practical case for democracy promotion - Condoleezza Rice talks about foreign policy and her new book on democracy Read more...

George W. Bush’s secretary of state returns to her academic roots with this accessibly written study of that imperfect but ideal form of government. ...this book deserves a broad audience, especially in our current political climate. Read more...

Condoleezza Rice on Putin and new book "Democracy"

This heartfelt and at times very moving book shows why democracy proponents are so committed to their work...Both supporters and skeptics of democracy promotion will come away from this book wiser and better informed. Read more...

Working daily alongside Condi at the White House and State Department, I witnessed firsthand her foundational belief in the power of human freedom and the crucial need for democratic institutions to protect it. This book, full of fascinating anecdotes and insights, is a sweeping view of the global struggle for democracy and a must-read for all who care about the future peace of the world and its people.

At a time when democracy appears to be in retreat around the globe, Condoleezza Rice’s DEMOCRACY: Stories From the Long Road to Freedom offers a much-needed corrective. Weaving effortlessly between academic analysis and personal experiences—from Professor Rice to Secretary of State Rice and back again—Condi draws upon a series of case studies to offer a fresh perspective to how democracies emerge, how they sometimes endure but sometimes collapse, and especially why patience is required from us in observing and participating in the democracy-building process. A fantastic read!