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Rachel Roy

The internationally renowned designer and entrepreneur helps women look and be the very best version of themselves with this strong, sexy style guide filled with practical and inspirational tips and personal insights gleaned from her own journey in life and business.
I“As a teen, I’d draw the type of glamorous clothes and accessories I longed for. In retrospect I realize that I was a designing the life I wanted and would one day achieve.”

As a designer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and working mother, Rachel Roy has a unique perspective on how fashion defines who we are—and who we want to be. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood in California, she envisioned the life she lives today. The head of her own fashion business, she’s a successful, hard-working entrepreneur who believes through style we can help design the life we want to live.
Design Your Life is the embodiment of Rachel’s ethos—a style guide every woman, no matter what stage of life she is in, needs to help her define and implement her personal look, motivate her to focus on the person she wants to be and the job she aspires to have, and make choices based on where she wants to go. Rachel offers hands-on tips for developing personal style while staying true to yourself, using and updating what’s in your closest, and adding essential pieces to your wardrobe. Throughout, she shares stories from her own life and the vital role fashion and style has played each step of the way.

Elegantly designed and illustrated with more than fifty exclusive color line drawings, filled with her passion, vision, and commitment to empowerment, Design Your Life takes fashion one step further—from looking great to becoming great, from the inside out.
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Published 2016-03-15 by Dey Street/HarperCollins


Published 2016-03-15 by Dey Street/HarperCollins


Who better to help you channel your inner Audrey Hepburn or Rihanna than Rachel Roy? Her passion for fashion and her remarkable story, told here with such charm, will help you finesse your own style and stride out with confidence, unleashing your power in ways you cannot imagine.


Rachel Roy is dedicated to bolstering and empowering the lives of women to take control of their destinies. Through Rachel’s deeply personal stories, she inspires women by guiding them to harness their external and internal personal style to truly design their lives.


Russia: Eksmo

Design Your Life reflects the depth and introspection of fashion designer Rachel Roy in her role as entrepreneur, single mom, and philanthropist. The book captures her upbeat, keep-it-moving resilience, that has enlightened professional women everywhere and which I have long admired.

Design Your Life shares Rachel Roy’s keys to living up to your potential. She highlights how surrounding yourself with what you love allows you to build the life that you wish for. Rachel is about empowering women to create a stronger community, and this book exemplifies that.

Rachel truly understands the role that fashion plays in designing the life you want to live . . . Like her designs, this book inspires and empowers you to be your best self—to find your passion and make things happen, and look good while doing it all.

I have loved Rachel Roy and her designs for years . . . the beauty she bears on the outside is only trumped by the beauty that exudes from her heart. Take her advice, and note her understanding of the world around her, both in life and business.