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The 101 Most Important Questions about the Heart and Heart Disease

Thomas Meinertz

The heart is the engine and clock of life. As long as it works properly, we usually don’t give it a second thought. However, as soon as a disruption occurs, when the heart gets out of rhythm or weakens, then the urgent questions arise: Is an irregular heartbeat harmless or dangerous? What are the signs of atrial fibrillation? Do rheumatic diseases damage the heart? Is stress a risk to the heart? Are sensors and apps recommended for monitoring the heart? How can you recognize the symptoms of a heart attack?

These and 95 other questions are answered by Dr. Thomas Meinertz, M.D., one of the most respected heart specialists in Germany and chairperson of the German Heart Foundation. He provides concrete and accessible explanations for fundamental questions like “How does the heart work?” as well as playful queries like “Can your heart actually break?” or “Do women’s hearts beat differently?” Anyone who wants to get to know their heart better, has questions about heart disease or wants to gain a better understanding of the diagnosis provided by their cardiologist and its potential consequences will want to consult this exceptionally clear and informative book.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406726651

Main content page count: 158 Pages

ISBN: 9783406726651