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Jonathan Beck
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The Expedition to Russia

Alexander von Humboldt

From the Neva River to the Altai Mountains - Edited by Oliver Lubrich, with an epilogue by Karl Schlögel

His trip to Russia in 1829 fulfilled a childhood dream for Alexander von Humboldt. After his journey to South America thirty years prior, this was his second great expedition – and one that has, so far, been much less well studied than the earlier adventure.

Following an invitation by Czar Nicholas I, Humboldt travels through the vast expanse of the Eurasian continent all the way to the Chinese border. At the end of the journey, he and his companions will have travelled more than 18000 kilometres. While Humboldt is studying nature – mountains and rocks, animal and plant life and especially the climate – he also makes his way through an empire in a phase of political repression. The great scientist was not immune to political constraints. The travel correspondence between Humboldt and the Russian finance minister, his letters to his brother Wilhelm and his friend François Arago as well as the report of his companion Gustav Rose make for a polyphonous account of the expedition, masterfully arranged by Oliver Lubrich. The collection of letters paints a lively picture of the man who was, even then, an internationally respected scholar, but also a compassionate brother and friend.