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The Alienation of Man

Guenther Anders

Writings on Philosophical Anthropology

This volume brings together Günther Anders’ writings on philosophical anthropology, especially the previously unpublished text “Die Weltfremdheit des Menschen” (The Alienation of Man) of 1929/30 and the retranslation of the essay “Pathologie de la liberté, Essai sur la non-identification“ (The Pathology of Freedom: An Essay on Non-Identification), published in 1936.

In these texts, the human being is portrayed as a being that only belatedly arrives in the world and has to determine itself again in order to create itself a home in the world. “Artificiality is the nature of man and his being is impermanence,” Above all, the texts collected here are essential to unlocking Anders’ early work. They also lead to a better understanding of the late Anders. It is the foundation upon which his critique of technological modernity unfolds.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406726972

Main content page count: 544 Pages

ISBN: 9783406726972