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Sebastian Ritscher
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Ro Khanna

Making Tech Work for All of Us

Congressman Ro Khanna of Silicon Valley offers a revolutionary roadmap to facing America's digital divide.
In the digital age, unequal access to technology is one of the most pressing issues facing society. There is an economic gulf between those who have struck gold in the tech industry and those left behind by the digital revolution; a geographic divide between those in the coastal tech industry and those in the heartland whose jobs have been automated; and existing inequalities in technological access - students without computers, rural workers with spotty WiFi, and plenty of workers without the luxury to work from home.

Dignity in the Digital Age tackles these challenges head-on and imagines how the digital economy can create opportunities for people without uprooting them. Instead of being subject to tech's reshaping of our economy, Representative Khanna argues that we must channel those powerful forces toward creating a more healthy, equal, and democratic society.

Ro Khanna represents Silicon Valley in Congress. He has taught economics at Stanford, served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce in the Obama Administration, and represented tech companies and startups in private practice. He is the author of Dignity in a Digital Age: Making Tech Work for All of Us. He enjoys spending time with his wife and two children in Washington, DC, and Fremont, California.
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Published 2022-02-01 by Simon & Schuster


Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) talks about the digital divide in America and offers his suggestions on how to close the gap. He's interviewed by founder and editor in chief of the Markup, Julia Angwin. Read more...

Ro Khanna on Ending the Digital Divide

Ro Khanna's beautifully written book, Dignity in a Digital Age, offers a graceful picture of the co- existence of disparate ways of living, allowing justice and fairness. People can jointly benefit from richly varying opportunities which can be made accessible to all, even though they come from - and have background in - many different communities... There is much foundational work to be done in the problem-ridden world in which we live, and it is wonderful to find a treasure trove of creative proposals to address the unique challenges of the digital age.

Congressman Ro Khanna ... raises the importance of dignity. The digital revolution has changed what individuals need to live with value. For Khanna, fulfilling that goal requires an expansion and distribution of the wealth that technology has created, as well as using technology to advance democratic ends and serve democratic citizenship. The tech policy community should welcome the book for its unique perspective and animative ideas, as well as its author's proximity to power. Khanna clearly cares about the topic, and he has offered an inspiring contribution to the conversation. Read more...

In Dignity in a Digital Age, Khanna provides a compelling vision of how spreading opportunities in the technology revolution across America can contribute to healing the nation's wounds. Today's technologies allow workers to collaborate on projects with diverse people in disparate locations while staying rooted in their communities. This joint work has the potential to humanize differences and increase the democratic intelligence of the body politic allowing America to live up to its founding vision.

Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., joins Morning Joe to discuss his new book 'Dignity in the Digital Age,' where the Democrats are ahead of the midterms and why he supports anti-trust legislation. Read more...

Congressman Ro Khanna's book, Dignity in a Digital Age, is both a practical and aspirational guide to the future of tech, governance, and equity.

In this passionate and inspiring book, Khanna offers a vision for creating spaces for rational exchange in digital media that do not serve first and foremost economic interests. I am impressed by the precise imagination of this well informed politician.

Author Essay: A Tech Revival for America's Hometowns - People shouldn't have to leave their communities in search of prosperity. Why not bring the digital economy to them? ... Read more...

"Dignity in the Digital Age" offers a sweeping view of many of the moral, technical, social and economic challenges facing modern societies dominated by the political, cultural and economic power of Silicon Valley. ...I strongly encourage everyone to read his thoughtful book. Read more...

In his new book, California Representative Ro Khanna rolls out a vision to train rural as well as urban job-seekers to build 'digital' roads, bridges, and other aspects of infrastructure. Calling simultaneously for effective regulation of Big Tech, and protection of local community, Khanna envisions redistributing opportunities from coastal cities to rural middle-America, bridging cultural differences, and creating a new cosmo-local culture. An exciting vision, brilliantly rendered - a must read.

(Khanna) explores a wide range of issues tied to the tech industry: tech-job creation in rural America, racism and sexism within Silicon Valley, wage gaps, science-education funding, electric vehicles, antitrust, artificial intelligence, competition from China, and more. Khanna is a genial and clearheaded guide to these challenges, and he thoughtfully offers the occasional personal anecdote to contextualize specific problems... Read more...

Interview - Silicon Holler: Ro Khanna says big tech can help heal the US heartland Read more...

This book is a highly principled, empirically grounded, progressive blueprint for building an inclusive society in which all Americans share a common national identity and participate in constructive dialogue. It is founded on the possibilities of sharing technology much more widely, on building the skills and capabilities of all people, and on the basic principles of inclusion and participatory democracy to chart a path to a flourishing society.

Ro Khanna (D-CA) joins the podcast to discuss his new book "Dignity in a Digital Age: Making Tech Work for All of Us", as well as what he thinks will happen with President Biden's climate legislation in the Build Back Better Act. He also gives us a preview of what to expect with the upcoming House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Environment's hearings featuring representatives from America's biggest fossil fuel organizations. Read more...

Ro Khanna is a great American dreamer. His dream, powerfully presented here in personal, political, and philosophical registers, is of a twenty-first-century democracy - multiracial and multiethnic, with fair opportunity for all to participate in the extraordinary fruits of American technological innovation.

Congressman Ro Khanna discusses how he helped Afghan refugees settle in the U.S. and what others can do to support those who have been displaced from Afghanistan. Read more...

In this deeply considered and precisely detailed examination of technology's impact on the country's financial future and emotional present, Khanna presents policy initiatives that aim to bring civility back to public discourse, both online and in person, and to level the employment playing field. With both anecdotal accounts and factual evidence, Khanna champions the responsible use of technology to improve lives and unite factions.

If you are interested in trying to even the digital playing field as we move to even more critical technologies of the future, you should read this book to find out how.

Rep. Ro Khanna: I would support banning lawmakers from trading stocks Congressman Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) joins CNBC's 'Squawk Box' to discuss tech regulation and his new book, 'Dignity in a Digital Age: Making Tech Work for All of Us'. Read more...

Today's ranking on Amazon (Feb.3, 2022): #1 in Free Enterprise & Capitalism #1 in Development & Growth Economics (Books) #2 in U.S.Congresses, Senates & Legislative

It might seem counterintuitive for a member who represents Silicon Valley to write a book on expanding technology to the middle of the country, but that is precisely why it is so important. In this pandemic-driven 'shake the snow globe' moment, Representative Khanna makes a compelling case for place-based policymaking, and how a more well-dispersed innovation economy can help rising cities thrive.

...a well-reasoned and articulate plan for reforming the tech industry... Khanna has a nuanced take on the tech industry and offers genuine solutions to significant problems plaguing the country. This commonsense call for change should win the congressman plenty of new supporters. Read more...