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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Mansoor Adayfi

Lost and Found at Guantanamo

The moving, eye-opening memoir of an innocent man detained at Gauntánamo Bay for 15 years: a story of humanity in the unlikeliest of places and an unprecedented look at life at Gauntánamo on the eve of its 20th anniversary.
At the age of 18, Mansoor Adayfi left his home in Yemen for a cultural mission to Afghanistan, part of a group advising Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders against Jihad. He never returned. Kidnapped by warlords and then sold to the US after 9/11, he was disappeared to Gauntánamo Bay, where he spent the next 15 years as Detainee #441.

Don't Forget Us Here tells two coming-of-age stories in parallel: a makeshift island outpost becoming the world's most notorious prison and an innocent young man emerging from its darkness. Arriving as a stubborn teenager, Mansoor survived the camp's infamous interrogation program and became a feared and hardened resistance fighter leading prison riots and hunger strikes. With time though, he grew into the man prisoners nicknamed "Smiley Troublemaker": a student, writer, historian, and dedicated Taylor Swift fan. With unexpected warmth and empathy, he unwinds a narrative of fighting for hope and survival in unimaginable circumstances, illuminating the limitlessness of the human spirit.

And through his own story as well as those who were there with him--detainees and guards-- Mansoor also tells Gauntánamo's story, offering an unprecedented window into one of the most secretive places on earth. Putting a human face on the Gauntánamo we know from the news, as well as showing the side we never see--the art, the community, the joyful reclamation of stolen humanity--this book reconstructs the camp's history in human terms, bearing witness to the lives lost and destroyed there.
Twenty years later, Gauntánamo remains open. At a moment of due reckoning, Mansoor helps us understand what actually happened there--both the horror and the beauty--offering a vital chronicle of an experience we cannot afford to forget.

Mansoor Adayfi is a writer and former Guantánamo Bay Prison Camp detainee, held for over 14 years without charges as an enemy combatant. Adayfi was released to Serbia in 2016, where he struggles to make a new life for himself and to shed the designation of a suspected terrorist. Today, Mansoor Adayfi is a writer and advocate with work published in the New York Times, including a column the Modern Love column "Taking Marriage Class at Guantánamo" and the op-ed "In Our Prison by the Sea." He wrote the introduction, "Ode to the Sea: Art from Guantánamo Bay," for the 2017-2018 exhibition of prisoners' artwork at the John Jay College of Justice in New York City, and contributed to the scholarly volume, Witnessing Torture, published by Palgrave. In 2018, Adayfi participated in the creation of the award-winning radio documentary The Art of Now for BBC radio about art from Guantánamo and the CBC podcast Love Me, which aired on NPR's Snap Judgment. Regularly interviewed by international news media about his experiences at Guantánamo and life after, he was also featured in Out of Gitmo, a mini-documentary and part of PBS's Frontline series. Work from his memoir was recently featured at a public reading at the Edinburgh Book Festival along with work by Guantánamo Diary author Mohamedou Ould Slahi. His graphic narrative, "Caged Lives" was by The Nib and will be included in the anthology Guantanamo Voices. In 2019, he won the Richard J. Margolis Award for nonfiction writers of social justice journalism.
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Published 2021-08-17 by Hachette Book Group - New York (USA)


Don't Forget Us Here is a profoundly moving and immensely important tribute to the intelligence, resilience and humanity with which its author, Mansoor Adayfi, survived fourteen years as a detainee in the notorious Guantánamo prison camp.

Two lines haunt this unforgettable book about an innocent man's 14 years of torture and unspeakable abuse at the US detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba: 'how do you survive?' and 'I'm should never have been here.' Mansoor's answer to the question, asked by a young guard, is: thanks to a religious faith and resilience so fierce it almost restores one's faith in humanity. I say almost because the accompanying confession, from a Navy Colonel, suggests that US military brass (and their political bosses) knew that they were torturing mostly innocent men for years but continued with it anyway. This is a riveting, illuminating account of Guantánamo from a Muslim perspective.

A starkly human dispatch from the messy and often unheard receiving end of the war on terror.

An incredible story! I am grateful to this book for reminding me of what it means to be not just human, but humane. Once we read his story, we too must become committed, held accountable and responsible for what happened in Guantánamo, what is still happening and what might happen in the future. This joyously heartbreaking book is about the horrendous reality of life for the Guantánamo detainees. But it is also about resilience in the face of such reality, and joy of being alive, preserving your sense of dignity and identity under the worst conditions. It is about how to create new spaces when all space has been confiscated. Finally it is about how to transcend Guantánamo, making us face up to what it means to be not human but also humane.

An important record of prisoner mistreatment as a national reckoning over Guantánamo continues to loom.

In this landmark work, Mansoor Adayfi gives us a guided tour through the nightmarish landscape of Guantánamo. He tells a tale of both casual cruelty and organized sadism that should make every American politician redden with shame. But this memoir offers much more than just a gruesome portrait of a bureaucracy gone berserk, for it describes the fierce resistance and ultimate redemption of an innocent Yemeni man consigned to a hellish prison. Let us hope that Don't Forget Us Here will spark a long overdue reckoning with the horrors of Guantánamo and its many victims.

This poignant testament strikes a devastating chord.