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Knesebeck Verlag
Marc-Frederic Schmid
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Dostoyevsky – Life and Work

Vitali Konstantinov


/// Unique comic retracing Dostoyevsky’s turbulent life from his early youth until his dead /// a timeline of Dostoyevsky's life and works /// Sequential images recall Dostoyevsky’s works and show how they were linked to his experiences

Dostoyevsky’s novels make for compelling reading but they also provide profound insights into human psychology and the human soul. Dostoyevsky drew inspiration from his own troubled life for his writing. Five years after he had begun to establish himself seriously as a writer he was arrested on grounds of subversion and led before a firing squad, only to be reprieved at the last moment. Marked by four years of hard labour in a Siberian prison camp, he underwent a spiritual conversion but continued to question Russian Orthodoxy and religion. He never overcame his addiction to gambling, losing vast sums of money almost to the point of bankruptcy. The death of two of his children shattered his equilibrium, leaving him a broken man.

In this biopic Vitali Konstantinov shows sequential images to produce a compelling account of the different phases of Dostoyevsky‘s life, the tragedies he suffered and the complexities of his writings.

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Published 2016-10-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 9783868738506

Main content page count: 80 Pages

ISBN: 9783868738506