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Alex Segura

DOWN THE DARKEST STREET is the hard-boiled sequel to Alex Segura’s acclaimed debut, Silent City, tells a tale of redemption, survival and the sordid backstreets of Miami — and asks the question that many are too scared to answer: When faced with pure darkness, would you fold or fight?
Pete Fernandez should be dead. His life — professional and personal — is in ruins. His best friend is dead. His newspaper career is past tense. His ex is staying with him as her own marriage crumbles. On top of that, the former journalist finds himself in the eye of a dangerous storm; investigating a missing girl with an unexpected partner and inching closer and closer to a vicious, calculating killer cutting a swath of blood across Miami — while at the same time battling his own personal demons that refuse to be silenced. Alex Segura is a novelist, comic book writer, and musician. Alex is the author of the bestselling Archie Meets Kiss series and graphic novel from Archie Comics. Alex also performs regularly in New York as part of the indie rock group Faulkner Detectives. He lives in New York City with his wife and two cats. He is a Miami native.
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Published 2016-04-12 by Polis Books


Segura (has) an edgy storytelling style, snappy dialogue, and a cast of salty characters. A really fine crime story.

(Segura) has created the next great hard-boiled protagonist in Pete Fernandez...DOWN THE DARKEST STREET marks the emergence not just of the next great crime fiction series, but of a writer on the rise.

With a damaged-yet-resilient hero, the meanest of streets and the twistiest of crimes, Down the Darkest Street is tense and taut. A series not to be missed.

The flawed Fernandez comes across as very, very human.

Cool, compelling, and completely believable--Alex Segura nails Miami noir. His Pete Fernandez is terrific, and readers will fly through the pages as this reluctant PI faces broken promises, terrifying loyalties and inevitable heartbreak. Loved this book!

By day, he edits, writes and publicises the adventures of America’s favourite teens – Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica and the rest – from the offices of Archie Comic Publications in Segura’s adopted home of New York City. By night, however, he adopts a distinctly darker persona – that of the author of a series of down, dirty and gritty crime novels set in his native Miami. Read more...

Segura’s Down the Darkest Street is pitch perfect in the key of hard-boiled. A sublime blend of flawed protagonist, hot house setting, and gritty narrative.

This compelling sequel to SILENT CITY is a brooding, melancholy tale with a somber ending, Pete's sadness echoes the darkest corners of Miami's roughest streets.

Segura makes us care about Pete, whose struggles with alcohol are realistic...Pete and his journey through Miami are appealing.

At once a harrowing crime novel and a deeply human tale of struggle and redemption, Down the Darkest Street will keep you guessing—and gasping—until you’ve turned the final page.

So many writers have tried to reinvent the PI novel in recent years that it's refreshing to be reminded it was never broken. DOWN THE DARKEST STREET is classic PI fiction in the best sense, with a vibrant setting and a character who's so much more than the sum of his flaws. Larger-than-life has its charms, but Alex Segura shows us how riveting a human-scale story can be.

Down the Darkest Street is a compelling page turner that offers an insider's view of Miami and weaves a fascinating mystery that we only hope Pete can get to the bottom of.

Alex Segura has crafted a protagonist you want to cheer for...shows the reader a side of the city that most tourists would miss. He takes the reader from the bars and restaurants near the University of Miami to the Cuban neighborhoods to the strip-mall and chain restaurant -filled suburbs. There's more to Miami than the pastel-colored beachfront hotels. There's a seedier, darker side to the city.