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Susanne Simor
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Dragon Dance

Matthias Naß

China's Rise to world Power and what this means for us

China's rise fascinates the world – and inspires fear. Under party leader Xi Jinping, the country experiences a relapse into dictatorship. At the same time it continues to expand its global influence. Not only in America, but also in Europe there is growing uneasiness about the new world power and its methods. Is there a threat of a new Cold War or even a Chinese triumph over the West? Matthias Nass gives an exciting insight into the country becoming the leading power of the 21st century.

Beijing's rulers are perfecting the surveillance of their people and establishing a system of rewards and punishment. Minorities like the Uighurs are brutally persecuted and "re-educated" in camps. In Hong Kong, the opposition is to be silenced, while China's military presence in the South China Sea is being steadily expanded. With the large project of establishing the "New Silk Road", China is creating new dependencies in the Middle East, Africa and Europe. But there are also problems. There is reason to believe that China will not be able to sustain it’s expansion course in the long run, neither economically nor politically. There are also massive environmental problems. And the Corona crisis has releaved to many Western countries that their dependency on China has reached a critical level. Matthias Nass, an excellent expert on China, draws a captivating account.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 300 Pages