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Eleanor Herman

Alexander must face his most dangerous challenge yet, employing the strategies taught to him by Aristotle in order to secure the palace and defeat his enemies.
He sends Kat, along with Hephaestion, her greatest enemy (and possibly her greatest love) to Egypt to recover a long lost princess—the girl Alex is determined to make his bride. Tortured by his feelings for his best friend’s sister, Heph must place duty and honor before his own desires and protect Katerina at all costs while keeping his true intentions hidden. Meanwhile, just outside Pella and quickly rising in the ranks of the Aesarian Lords, Jacob must decide where his true loyalties lie, and he discovers a secret that might lead to his undoing. Cynane, a prisoner of the Aesarian Lords, survives incredible torture before finding a way to escape. When Olympias sends her on a task to assassinate Katerina, she believes she will succeed in attaining magic at last. And in the Northeast provinces of Persia, determined to protect her unborn child and yet still fight her fate, Zofia travels with Ochus east toward the Spirit Eaters. But no one can challenge what’s written in the stars without paying the ultimate price.
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Published 2016-06-28 by Harlequin Teen


Spain: Alfaguara