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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Agi Mishol

Agi Mishol, considered to be the leading female Hebrew poet of our time, was awarded the prestigious 2019 Zbigniew Herbert International Literary Award for her entire oeuvre.
In January 2020 Mishol was invited to the Poetica Festival for World Literature in Cologne. In 2004, Mishol appeared alongside acclaimed Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish at the Berlin Poesiefestival, which made meaningful headlines, as it was the first time the two poets met.

"I am the daughter of Holocaust survivors," she added. "For me, to stand on a stage in the middle of Berlin and read poems in Hebrew is no simple task." Mishol said that she spoke with Darwish before the reading on Saturday night. "I told him that I have Hebrew translations of his poems in my home. We also have friends in common...After the readings, Mishol said, the two poets were asked whether they had ever met in Israel. "I said that we had met for the first time in Berlin. At the end of the evening I said that if it's impossible to be politically correct, we should at least be poetically correct."

AGI MISHOL is the author of 16 volumes of poetry. Mishol's poems have been widely translated and published in various anthologies around the world. Her accolades include the Zbigniew Herbert International Literary Award (2019), the Newman Prize for life achievement in literature (2018), the Italian Lerici Pea Award (2014), and the Israeli Prime Minister and Yehuda Amichai literature prizes. Two books have been published in English: LOOK THERE (Graywolf Press) and LESS LIKE A DOVE (Shearsman Books).

German translation by Udi Levy: 9952 in Jerusalem geboren und dort aufgewachsen. Ehemann, Vater und Grossvater. Sozialpädagoge. Vier Jahrzehnte in der Arbeit mit Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen tätig gewesen. Zuletzt als Heimleiter einer anthroposophisch orientierten Institution in der Schweiz. Seminar- und Vortragstätigkeit zu fachlichen, politischen und Themen der geistigen Kultur. Buchautor, zahlreiche Publikationen, Deutsch-Hebräisch und Hebräisch-Deutsch Übersetzung von Prosa und Lyrik. Lebt in der Schweiz.


Mishol's contribution to the literary landscape and her connection to the community of contemporary readers are unique and worthy of much praise. Since Amichai, Ravikovitch and Wallach, there hasn't been a Hebrew poet with a closer bond to the common reader. There's no doubt that Mishol is one of the most seasoned poets writing in Hebrew today.