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Event Photography

Anouchka Olszewski Peter Giefer

Pro-Grade Party and Event Photography

Photographing exhibitions, trade shows, concerts, parties, and other events presents a uni ...

Photographing exhibitions, trade shows, concerts, parties, and other events presents a unique set of challenges. Which equipment do you need? What are you allowed to use? Is there a predetermined sequence of events that you have to follow? Who and what do you need to capture? Which camera settings do you need to make? What is the best way to compose event images, and how can you be sure of capturing the mood of the day? Are there stories to tell? Furthermore, once an event is over, you need to process and edit your images and take care to stick within the law when publishing them. 

This book will help you capture professional-grade images at private and work-based events. Anouchka Olszewski and Peter Giefer take you through the entire process, from preparation to image editing. They also provide plenty of tips on how to make the most of your time on location and successfully capture the heart and soul of any event.

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Published 2020-01-02 by dpunkt.verlag , ISBN: 9783864904967

Main content page count: 256 Pages

ISBN: 9783864904967