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Larry Platt Stuart Scott

“When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and the manner in which you live.” – Stuart Scott. The fearless, intimate, and inspiring story behind ESPN anchor Stuart Scott’s unrelenting fight against cancer.
Shortly before he passed away, on January 4, 2015, Stuart Scott completed work on this memoir. It was both a labor of love and a love letter to life itself. Not only did Stuart relate his personal story—his childhood in North Carolina, his supportive family, his athletic escapades, his on-the-job training as a fledgling sportscaster, his being hired and eventual triumphs at ESPN—he shared his intimate struggles to keep his story going. Struck by appendiceal cancer in 2007, Stuart battled this rare disease with an unimaginable tenacity and vigor. Countless surgeries, enervating chemotherapies, endless shuttling from home to hospital to office and back—Stuart continued defying fate, pushing himself through exercises and workout routines that kept him strong. He wanted to be there for his teenage daughters, Sydni and Taelor, not simply as their dad, but as an immutable example of determination and courage.

Every Day I Fight is a saga of love, an inspiration to us all.

Stuart Scott’s groundbreaking style made him one of television’s most influential broadcasters. As an anchor and commentator for SportsCenter, he became the face of ESPN, the most popular and recognized anchor of his generation. As lead host of the NBA on ESPN and ABC, as well as a host of Monday Night Football on ESPN, Scott redefined the telecasting of modern sports events. He received the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance at the 2014 ESPY ceremony. Stuart Scott died in January 2015.

Larry Platt is the former editor of Philadelphia magazine and the Philadelphia Daily News. He is the author of Only the Strong Survive: The Odyssey of Allen Iverson and coauthor of Just Tell Me I Can’t: How Jamie Moyer Defied the Radar Gun and Defeated Time. His writing has appeared in GQ, New York, The New York Times Magazine, and Sports Illustrated, among other publications. He lives outside Philadelphia with his wife, Bet.
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Published 2015-03-10 by Blue Rider Press


Published 2015-03-10 by Blue Rider Press


I thought I knew what tough was. But, in his battle with cancer, Stuart Scott is the strongest person I know. The courage he shows in Every Day I Fight will inspire you, as he has inspired me.

I've known Stuart Scott since we were undergrads at UNC and I watched him become a groundbreaking sportscaster. But Every Day I Fight shows his greatest accomplishment: as a dad, who fights for his daughters every day. As a journalist, a dad and a cancer fighter, there's no quit in Stuart.

If you get that dire diagnosis, I hope by seeing Stu in action, that it will take away some of the anxiety that you can't live your life, that you can't work out, that you can't work. And seeing him thriving—not surviving, but thriving—I think people will take that and apply it to whatever it is that they are faced with.

There are a lot of people who see [Scott] as a beacon of light, and something that they can relate to....I hear from people every day. He's on TV and he's doing what he loves. They take strength from the fact that he has not been paralyzed by his illness and that he has decided to live life on his own terms.