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Dino Zanolli
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Failed Escape

Michael Meinert

High Forest Saga I

The High Forest Saga takes place in the Silesian county of Glatz and the provincial capital of Breslau. Over three generations, from the middle of the 19th century to the end of World War I, the changing history of a family closely linked to the Silesian forests is told.

Silesia, about 1850. Head forester Albert Grüning lives secluded high up in the forest. With his rude manner, he successfully chases away everyone who dares to penetrate his solitude. But when a poacher, and a little later the young Rachel von Bredow, appear in his forest, his peace comes to an end. His superiors put him under pressure because of the poacher. At the same time, he has to admit to himself that the devout Rachel is more than just a summer visitor to him. And then, to crown it all, an enemy from his suppressed past shows up in the forester's house. Has his escape from God and his past failed? But Grüning does not give up so quickly ... 

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Published 2012-05-01 by BOAS media , ISBN: 9783942258050

Main content page count: 420 Pages

ISBN: 9783942258050