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Björn Lomborg

How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet

The New York Times bestselling "skeptical environmentalist" argues that panic over climate change is misplaced - and causing more harm in the world than good.
With hurricanes battering coast lines, sea level rise threatening entire countries with extinction and wildfires raging across broad swaths of America and the planet, it is hardly surprising that countering global warming has become a top priority for the developing world. In ten years, we have gone from arguing about whether climate change is real to wagering on how soon it will actually extinguish planet Earth. David Wallace-Wells' book The Uninhabitable Earth tops bestseller lists and Greta Thunberg is an international hero. Children panic about their future, and adults wonder if it is even ethical to bring new life into the world.

Enough, argues political scientist and bestselling author Bjorn Lomborg. Climate change, while real, is not the apocalyptic threat that we've been told it is. There is no scientific evidence, for instance, that the world is suffering from more droughts, wildfires, or hurricanes than ever before. In fact, global death due the natural disaster is at an all-time low. The real problem is that with increasing affluence, more people are moving to riskier parts of the world - coastlines, areas with high wildfire risk - and building more expensive property there. So the costs of natural disasters are rising, even though their incidence isn't contributing to the impression that the world has become a far more dangerous place.

Climate panic is based on bad science, and generates even worse policy. Around the world, we are currently spending about $500 billion annually on environmental issues and, with the many promises of zero carbon emissions soon, those costs could escalate to $10-20 trillion annually. But these policies are not paying dividends in terms of solving global warming. The Paris Agreement, for instance, is the most expensive treaty in the history of the world and a terrible investment in the human future, destined to return only eleven cents on the dollar. Worse still, the money that goes to fund environmental initiatives crowds out other measures that could have a far more dramatic impact on human well- being, particularly in the developing world: by focusing on issues like immunization, education, birth control, and nutrition, we could increase GDP at a vastly higher rate than climate change threatens to lower it.

Measured and data-driven, False Alarm will convince you that almost everything you think about climate change is wrong - and points the way towards making the world a vastly better, if slightly warmer, world for all.

Bjorn Lomborg is the best-selling author of The Skeptical Environmentalist and Cool It. He is a visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School and at the Hoover Institution at Stanford. His work appears regularly in New York Times, Wall Street Journal, the Economist, the Atlantic, and Forbes. His monthly column appears in around 40 papers in 19 languages, with more than 30 million readers. In 2011 and 2012, Lomborg was named Top 100 Global Thinker by Foreign Policy. In 2008 he was named "one of the 50 people who could save the planet" by the Guardian. He lives in
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Published 2020-07-14 by Basic Books


Published 2020-07-14 by Basic Books


Author's article: Climate change: Democratic alarmism leads to failing policies

If you want to deal with climate change, ignore the alarmists and read this book ...A calm, rational analysis of climate change and what to do about it....False Alarm is an essential book. If anyone in your family or circle of friends has succumbed to XR mania, this could be an invaluable corrective, providing balance, solutions and optimism. Read more...

British journalist Rob Lyons discussed the book in a piece for RT: The eco-obsessions and misguided policies promoted by wealthy people in the developed world are thoroughly reactionary. They will hurt the poor everywhere and hold back the progress we have been making in freeing the world from want. Lomborg's book... makes a compelling case for why we need a radical change of policy in order to secure a better future for all. Read more...

Author's article: As we begin our global climb out of the coronavirus depression, we shouldn't start by letting bad green deals make us poorer Read more...

Bjorn Lomborg's essay based on FALSE ALARM ran on the front page of the Wall Street Journal's Review Read more...

China: Beijing Han Tang Zhi Dao Book Distribution ; Czech: Dokoran ; Norwegian: Wigestrand ; Spain: Antoni Bosh ; Taiwan: Good Publishing Company

Bjorn participated in a Sky News debate on "Climate After Covid" and had an op-ed at to accompany it Read more...

This is a very important and superbly argued book. Those who have been persuaded that climate change is not happening, and those who think catastrophe is imminent should both read it and know they can rely on Lomborg's meticulous analysis to put them right. The rest of us can be alarmed by his relentless revelation that the world is spending a fortune on making the plight of the poor and the state of the environment worse with foolish and expensive policies.

Author's article: We need free and honest debate on climate change policy ...

Bjorn Lomborg is that rare thing: a clear-sighted realist about climate change. In False Alarm, he argues that it would be foolish to do nothing to prepare for a warmer planet, but it would be more foolish to pretend that we are doing things that will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions when we are not. At the same time, getting serious about cutting CO2 emissions will have a cost. As Lomborg says, vastly more people die as a consequence of poverty and disease each year than die as a consequence of global warming. As in the past, we humans are capable of adapting to climate change in ways that can significantly mitigate its adverse effects, without choking off economic growth. To learn how, you must read False Alarm.

Bjorn Lomborg was interviewed about President Biden's climate plan on Fox Business Network's Kudlow yesterday Read more...

[Lomborg] follows his previous critiques of climate change policy...with a hard-hitting analysis of failing strategies for addressing what he acknowledges is 'a real problem.'... A serious, debatable assessment of a controversial global issue.

Lomborg does not lack solutions. In False Alarm, he advocates a range of costbenefit tested policies to address both climate change and global poverty... Lomborg [does] a service in calling out the environmental alarmism and hysteria that obscure environmental debates rather than illuminate them.

This is a fantastic book. In it, Bjorn Lomborg examines through the lens of statistics the apocalyptic projections of the future of climate change. He points out, rightly, that the doomsday scenarios are misguided and that policy decisions driven by panic have real costs, particularly for the poor. False Alarm is a must-read.

False Alarm is a timely and important book. Based on the latest scientific evidence and rigorous economic analysis, it provides a welcome antidote to widespread, irrational panic about a coming climate apocalypse. Instead, it provides a set of smart, rational policies for addressing global warming - while not losing sight of the myriad other problems that beset our planet, including poverty and inequality. This book is essential reading for anyone who cares about our shared human future.

Bjorn Lomborg was interviewed about President Biden's climate plan on Varney & Co. this morning Read more...

Bjorn was interviewed on TalkRadio.

Meticulously researched, and well worth a read.

Bjorn Lomborg had an op-ed in the New York Post on the wildfires on the West Coast earlier this week. Read more...

It's precisely because the problem is so serious that [Lomborg] argues it is necessary to approach it cool-headedly... The alternative? In Lomborg's view it is letting ourselves be panicked into the most expensive course - trying to fix the climate without having the necessary technology on hand. Lomborg argues powerfully that this is a fool's errand... A corrective to many of the green assumptions that dominate the media.

In between the cries of imminent apocalypse and outright denial that seems to be the daily fare of the mainstream and alternative news outlets on the issue of global warming, Bjorn Lomborg sounds a rare note of sanity and moderation in his new book, False Alarm. Lomborg's achievement is in providing a much-needed broader context to the climate debate, based on years of researching and writing on the topic... One hopes that this book will bring to the attention of the general public, specialists and policy-makers, not just the scale of the problem of climate change, but the most positive steps that can be taken by governments to address it.

Bjorn Lomborg joined the Glenn Beck Program yesterday to discuss climate change policy. Read more...

Book mention in an article: "Greta Thunberg's message of doom is religion not reality" ...

An excellent summary of the madness, hypocrisy, and cynicism of the climate-alarm establishment... Lomborg has done an excellent job pointing out that climate fears are indeed a 'false alarm,' misdirecting time and resources away from real, and soluble, problems.

Bjorn Lomborg's new book offers a data-driven, human-centered antidote to the oft-apocalyptic discussion characterizing the effect of human activity on the global climate. Careful, compelling, and above all sensible and pragmatic.

[Lomborg] has argued that there are more productive ways to aid humanity than spending billions trying to influence climate change. He has argued for improving sanitation, clean water supplies, basic nutrition, and providing paths out of poverty for the millions living in underdeveloped countries... His most basic premise remains that there are better ways to alleviate human misery than spending taxpayer subsidies than on panic?driven, political non?solutions to a changing climate. Few would argue with that goal.

Author's article: How climate change alarmists are actually endangering the planet Read more...