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Candice Jalili

They always say you can't choose your family. . .
Ever since her mom died, Josie has been content with her small, safe, predictable life. She hangs out with exactly two people: her best (and only) friend, Louise, and her stepdad, Matt. She has exactly one (unrequited) crush on resident high school himbo Isaac. And she's fully prepared to spend her last semester of senior year exactly like she always expected: preparing for Stanford and actively avoiding anything that reminds her of her mother. But when Josie discovers that her biological father is the recently deceased Ali Mashadpatriarch of the world's original reality-television family, dripping with wealth, fame, and Vogue magazine coversJosie's "predictable" life is gone quicker than you can say "You're doing amazing, sweetie." Being a Mashad doesn't just mean that the entire world is now at Josie's feetdesperate to dress her, to photograph her, to know herit also opens a door to a world that Josie never expected to find: like a really cute guy who just might be her soulmate, three absolutely ridiculous but wonderful sisters, and answers to all the questions she wishes she could ask her mom. But the biggest question of all is: If being a Mashad is the chance of a lifetime, will Josie be brave enough to take it?
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Published 2024-07-30 by Disney Publishing Group


The story showcases the Iranian American experience as Josie fights to keep her new celebrity status a secret, learning more about her famous deceased biological father and his celebrity wife and daughters. This blend of The Princess Diaries and Keeping Up the Kardashians brings themes of family, mental health, the pressures of being famous, LGBTQIA+ life, and generational trauma.

Sparkling wit, delightfully real characters, and a ton of heart combine to make FINDING FAMOUS absolutely unforgettable. I couldn't put it down!

Jalili's YA debut is fast paced and full of drama.the warm moments of familial connection are highlights. Light, pleasurable fare for pop-culture fans.

Hands down the best time I've had in a book all year. Jalili writes about what we've all fantasized about at some point: what if you were so filthy rich you could even have deodorant named after you? Pants-splittingly funny and full of heart, with a romance to root for, this story about discovered family is a delight from start to finish.

Iranian diasporic culture collides with Hollywood life in this over-the-top children's debut. Jalili ascribes depth and nuance to the Persian American cast and, as a treat for die-hard fans of media glamour, peppers the text with tongue-in-cheek nods to Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Gossip Girl, and The Princess Diaries.

Timely and witty. FINDING FAMOUS is a lively adventure unpacking the frenzy of reality TV, grounded in familial pain and joy. You can't help but root for Josie (and her dramatic but lovable family) from the very first page.

I wish FINDING FAMOUS had been around when I was a teenager! A fun, heartfelt read that turns awkwardness into empowerment.