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Fletcher Agency
Melissa Chinchillo
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A hilarious tragicomedy from New Girl and SNL writer David Iserson!

Being Astrid Krieger is absolutely all it's cracked up to be.

She lives in a rocket ship in the backyard of her parents' estate.

She was kicked out of the elite Bristol Academy and she's intent on her own special kind of revenge to whomever betrayed her.

She only loves her grandfather, an incredibly rich politician who makes his money building nuclear warheads.

It's all good until...

"We think you should go to the public school," Dad said.

This was just a horrible, mean thing to say. Just hearing the words "public school" out loud made my mouth taste like urine (which, not coincidentally, is exactly how the public school smells). Will Astrid finally meet her match in the form of public school?

Will she find out who betrayed her and got her expelled from Bristol? Is Noah, the sweet and awkward boy she just met, hiding something?

David Iserson is a writer for the Showtime comedy starring Toni Collette, United States of Tara.? He is a former writer for Saturday Night Live? and was a consultant for the 2006 MTV Movie Awards and Comedy Central's Last Laugh? in 2005. He is at work on the screenplay for the Warner Brothers adaptation of Rick Yancey's YA novel, The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp and has written several screenplays for Warner. He has also contributed to National Public Radio's This American Life.?