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Justin Scott Amber Edwards

Timely and prescient, FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS is a contemporary thriller set in the Mississippi River Delta where thirty-nine days of torrential rain have swollen the river to the brink -- and a domestic terrorist has weaponized the natural disaster to cleave America in half and establish his own all-white nation..
Forty days and forty nights of torrential rain swell the Mississippi River to the brink of deadly rampage. Clementine Price is a young US Army Corps of Engineers officer born and raised on a farm in the flood-plain of the Arkansas Delta. "Just a farm girl who got herself to West Point." She is working around the clock, drawing on all her resources - science, brutal loss, and a warrior spirit -- to protect the people and the homeland she loves from an inevitable, catastrophic flood. Clementine has done all she can to prepare for the worst when, to her utter horror, Clementine discovers that a richly funded domestic terrorist -- hiding in plain sight in a beloved megachurch -- has weaponized the natural disaster. Inspired by a river as powerful as it is unpredictable, his plan is to inundate America's heartland, to cleave the United States in half and establish his own all-white nation, and his plan is already in motion. Clementine has only hours to mobilize a make-shift army, engineer a strategy to turn nature's overwhelming force back onto the enemy, stop civil war, and save millions from drowning. Her volunteersfellow Corps officers, civil servants, farmers, local law enforcementmust wage war up and down the Mississippi against a disciplined army of hate-filled zealots. Clementine glimpses a single, unlikely path to victory but only if she can harness the power of the torrent to turn nature's fury against her enemy, and embrace the raging river as her most potent ally. Amber Edwards & Justin Scott are husband and wife. FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS is their first collaboration. Amber, reared in the Delta, has directed, produced, and written 19 national PBS documentaries and one theatrical feature. FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS, her first novel, was inspired by the only documentary she never finished and could never forget. Justin, twice nominated for MWA Edgars, is the author of 37 novels, ranging from thrillers to mysteries to sea stories to historical fiction to nine detective adventures in the Isaac Bell series with Clive Cussler, three of which debuted at Number One on the NYT Bestseller List.
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Published 2021-10-01 by University of Louisiana Press


Forty Days and Forty Nights is a thriller about all the different lives on the Mississippi. Clementine Price, its hero, grew up on its banks, went off to West Point and came back to serve and to save. Its villain is a "great man" with the most wicked plans for America's mighty river and those who depend on it. This is a novel with heart-grabbing pacing and characters who are fantastically drawn. Life on the Mississippi comes through with the techno-wizardry of Tom Clancy and the grand pacing of Robert Ludlum.

A wonderful novel ... the river - ominous, atmospheric, somehow inevitable - is so much more than just a part of the story ... it is the story, in all its might and majesty. Very impressive, and highly recommended.

At this novel's heart is a mighty river, raging and swirling, swirling and raging, and its characters are plain unforgettable. I sat down to read a few pages but got caught in its inexorable current and I couldn't stop (and didn't want to). A love story, an adventure story, a timeless story: Forty Days and Forty Nights is remarkable. I just wish it were longer!

Breakneck pace. Readers looking for action and adventure on a cinematic scale will be rewarded.

Harrowing, fascinating, and entirely too plausible, Forty Days and Forty Nights is a thriller you'll lose sleep over.