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Michelle Icard

The Essential Conversations You Need to Have with Your Kids Before They Start High School - and How (Best) to Have Them

For all those parents looking to understand and connect with their children in a better way, this should be their go-to guide.
Trying to convince a middle schooler to listen to you can be exasperating. Indeed, it can feel like the best option is not to talk! But keeping kids safe--and prepared for all the times to come when you can't be the angel on their shoulder--is all about having the right conversations at the right time. And from a brain growth and emotional readiness perspective, there is no better time for this than their tween years while their neural development is still receptive.

Distilling Michelle Icard's decades of experience counseling families, FOURTEEN (TALKS) BY (AGE) FOURTEEN focuses on big, thorny topics such as friendship, sexuality, impulsivity, and hygiene, as well as unexpected conversations about creativity, money, tolerance, and being a contributing member of the family. Outlining a simple, memorable formula for the best approach, Icard also helps parents get over the most common hurdles in talking to tweens: knowing what conversations are most important, figuring out what to say and what phrases to avoid, having a way to get started that won't irritate kids or scare them off, how to keep kids engaged in conversation, and how to exit the conversation in a way that keeps kids wanting more.

Like a Rosetta Stone for your tween's confounding language, FOURTEEN...BY...FOURTEEN is an essential guide to preparing your tween for teenaged success.

Michelle Icard is a member of the Today show parenting team and NBC News Learn. The author of MiddleSchool Makeover, she is also a contributor to the Washington Post's "On Parenting" section and Your Teen magazine. Her work has been featured in The Chicago Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor, Redbook, Time, and People. Michelle's social leadership and curriculum programs have been implemented at schools across the U.S.
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Published 2021-02-23 by Harmony


Published 2021-02-23 by Harmony


Icard has managed to create an incredibly user-friendly and straightforward guide. Fourteen by Fourteen is a must-read for caregivers of adolescents, providing readers with the necessary tools to talk to their tweens and sustain happy and healthy relationships.

Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen offers incredible insight and empathy to both young adolescents and their stressed-out parents. It'll help tongue-tied parents wade into conversations, laying the groundwork for true connection with emerging teens--without eye-rolls and cold shoulders. Icard makes clear that the stakes are high - we must not shy away from these crucial conversations with our children. This book is the guide we've been waiting for.

Michelle Icard's approach to having difficult but important conversations with kids --the BRIEF model--is both ingenious and effective. These are the talks we need to be having with our children, and this is how to have them!

Revel in the great common sense, depth of thought, and even humor herein. Michelle Icard is a wise advisor and her book is a treasure for parents everywhere.

Michelle Icard takes on one of the toughest times in all of parenting: that phase when parents desperately want to stay connected to tweens and teens who desperately want their privacy and independence... Icard lays out exactly how to start the critical conversations we want to have with our teenagers, keep these key discussions going, and steer clear of common missteps that often close down lines of communication. This book is a gift to parents and teenagers alike.

There's no such thing as The Talk anymore. To raise the healthiest, most resilient kids, parents need to have hundreds of talks over many years. With Michelle Icard's big-picture framing of what to cover and deep dive into how you can say it all, the task will be much less daunting. It might even be fun.

Chinese (compl.): China Times Publishing , Chinese (simpl.): Beijing Green Beans Book Co. ; Polish: Mariusz Jachimczuk Edgard ; Romania: Editura Univers SRL