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Jacob Soll

The History of an Idea

Free Market is an intellectual history of the free market, from ancient Rome to the twenty-first century. Tracing the intellectual evolution of the free market from Cicero to Milton Friedman, Soll argues that we need to go back to the origins of free market ideology in order to truly understand itand to develop new economic concepts to face today's challenges.
Free market ideology is due for a serious reappraisal, and Soll is the just person to do it. He's a world-renowned leader in the history of financial accounting and public finance. He advised the Greek government and the European Commission on the Greek debt crisis in the mid-2010s, and has advised organizations and individuals including: NATO, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, former UK prime minister Gordon Brown, and the Kazarian Foundation for Public Finance. Free Market has already received some excellent blurbs, from Lawrence Summers, and David Bell, included below.

Free Market looks at how the idea of free markets became so powerful, why it succeeded, why it has failed so spectacularly, and how we can find our way out by looking to earlier iterations of free market thought. In 1990, the G7 Countries enjoyed 70 percent of world GDP. The collapse of the Soviet Union was supposed to lead to a story of the success of free markets. However, over the past thirty years, that number has dropped by half, and Asia has emerged as a major driver of world economic growth. Today, state-run China is the second biggest economy on earth, and tiny Singapore, with its state-owned companies, has become a new model of wealth creation. In other words, Milton Friedman's free market dogma, that only private companies can create wealth and that states hamper it, has proved very clearly to be untrue.

Contrary to the popular narratives driven by Friedman's ideas, early market theorists believed that states had an important role in building and maintaining free markets. But eighteenth-century thinkers insisted on free markets without state intervention, leading to a tradition of ideological brittleness. That tradition only calcified in the centuries that followed, and an economic theory rooted in the idea of competition, adaptation and evolution, has since refused to follow its own precepts.

Jacob Soll is University Professor and Professor of Philosophy, History, and Accounting at the University of Southern California. The author of The Reckoning and The Information Master, Soll is the recipient of many prestigious awards, including the MacArthur "Genius" grant. He lives in Los Angeles.
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Published 2022-09-06 by Basic Books


Author's article: Capitalism and the Queen - Throughout her life and reign, Queen Elizabeth II comported herself in the mold of the disinterested, dutiful "impartial spectator" that Adam Smith had extolled. While Smith is often treated as a free-market champion, his thought was closer to that of Cicero and Marcus Aurelius than Margaret Thatcher. Read more...

Among the defining values of Western societies free expression and human rights stand tall. What about the free market? How certain are we about its origins and meaning? As only a master historian can, Jacob Soll takes us through the origins, alternatives, and ambiguities. Defenders as well as detractors must consult this defining history.

In an awe-inspiring and enthralling tour from the ancient to the contemporary world, Jacob Soll dissolves the dichotomy of market and government, showing that it was campaigns for affluence led by the state in the century and a half before the French Revolution that birthed the dream of liberating economic affairs from interference. Soll is one of our master historians, and his newest book makes it impossible to think about the wealth of nations - or our political future - in the same way again.

Jacob Soll's fascinating and pathbreaking study is a historical tour de force and a brilliant exploration of the major economic ideas that have shaped our world.

If anyone is qualified to write a history of free-market thinking, it is surely Jacob Soll. Read more...

If, as Keynes asserted, ideas are in the end, what is most important, intellectual history captures the driving forces behind social change. There is much to be learned relevant to current policy debates from Jacob Soll's engaging history of the free market idea. Whether you think you love or hate free markets, you will learn much from this important book.

A timely and erudite history traces our ambiguous attitudes towards moneymaking and laissez faire trade. Read more...

Podcast interview - The History Of Free Market Ideas, Cicero, Adam Smith, Hamilton, Machievelli Read more...

Soll appeared on Peacock's Mehdi Hasan Show

Interview: Why should we consider the start of free market thinking with Cicero rather than Adam Smith? Read more...

This rich history of economic thought shows that the concept of completely unfettered trade is an extremely recent invention... Free Market offers a rich and valuable antidote to narrower and more traditional accounts of the liberal economic tradition... providing a more nuanced historical understanding of the ideas behind the west's economic systems is highly worthwhile... Read more...

A fabulous excerpt ran last week at Lit Hub: How Christianity Influenced the Development of Capitalism in Medieval Europe - Jacob Soll on Piety and Profits in the Middle Ages Read more...

Chinese (simpl.): Citic ; Chinese (compl.): China Times Publishing Company ; Korean: Book21

Dr. Jacob Soll on The History of Free Markets Read more...

Author's article: Queen Elizabeth embodied Adam Smith's 'impartial spectator' and was closer to his philosophy than Margaret Thatcher Read more...

Politico ran an opinion piece by Soll focusing on the themes of Free Market. Read more...

Soll has been interviewed about FREE MARKET on The Federalist Radio Hour: "The Evolution Of Western Philosophy On Free Markets" Read more...

In this essential book, Jacob Soll gives us a lucid, frequently surprising, and altogether enthralling account of the history of free market thought. As he deftly and convincingly shows, the most prominent modern thinkers associated with free markets, such as Adam Smith and Milton Friedman, are only part of a much larger tradition that goes back all the way to ancient Rome. Deeply learned and engagingly written, the book has important implications for how we should think about free markets today. In every sense, it is a revelation.