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Alexander Gauland

Olaf Sundermeyer

A Conservative Politician’s Revenge

From conservative gentleman to right-wing mudslinger – might be one way to describe the political career path of Alexander Gauland, who is looking to push the German government in a certain direction. What drives him? What kind of political experience does he bring to the table? What type of person is he? And why does he flirt so completely shamelessly with the extreme right?

Recently, Alexander Gauland has been tearing up the political landscape in Germany by pulling the right-wing camp behind him. But it would be a mistake to get the impression that he only found his way into politics in his twilight years. For decades, he served the very system he is fighting against today. In fact, it was only through his previous experience in politics, administration, and media that the Alternative for Germany (AfD) became a political movement party and a challenge to democracy. Olaf Sundermeyer sheds light on the past life of this AfD leader and shows how Gauland is making very conscious and strategic moves towards seizing power.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406727108

Main content page count: 176 Pages

ISBN: 9783406727108