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Germany from a Jewish Perspective

Shulamit Volkov

A Different History from the Eighteenth Century to the Present

"Thinking of Germany in the night, I lie awake and sleep takes flight." Heinrich Heine Those standing at the edge of the playing field usually see more clearly, at a wider angle, and definitely in a different way to the players on the field. Shulamit Volkov is the first to consistently narrate German history from the perspective of Jewish contemporaries like Heinrich Heine and Stefan Zweig and also some unknown observers of German's journey towards becoming a nation-state, democracy, and finally a dictatorship. A fascinating tour through a "different" history that also allows us to see the present through different eyes.

Shulamit Volkov masterfully weaves together various Jewish perspectives on revolutions and wars, political movements and ideologies, and social and economic circumstances, painting a new picture. She lets us see the Enlightenment through the eyes of Moses Mendelssohn, the Congress of Vienna from the perspective of its Jewish delegations, and the revolutions of 1848 from the standpoint of the victims of anti-Jewish riots. The Liebermann family and Walter Rathenau experienced the German Empire, World War I, and the beginning of the Weimar period in a different way to non-Jewish Germans. Bertha Pappenheim, Käte Frankenthal, and Hannah Arendt shaped the interwar period in their own unique ways. Schulamit Volkov pays special attention to the Holocaust, World War II, and the decades that followed. In this concise book, the author shows how German and German-Jewish history are inseparable.

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Published 2022-02-17 by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406781711

Main content page count: 336 Pages

ISBN: 9783406781711