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Jonathan Beck
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France in the Twentieth Century

Matthias Waechter

German historian Matthias Waechter, who teaches at Nice, tells the story of the twentieth century from a French perspective.

The book begins with the Third Republic (a time when the French understood themselves as the avant-garde in monarchical Europe), a period of colonial expansion as well as demographic stagnation, and moves through the century: the First World War, the ‘lost peace’ and the turbulent interwar period; the ‘strange war’ of 1939-40 against Nazi Germany, the subsequent occupation, collaboration as well as resistance under the Vichy Regime; the drama of decolonisation with wars in Vietnam and Algeria, and the defining year of 1958 that brought -+ the French constitution, which weathered the shocks of May 1968 to stay in force to the present day; the takeover of power by Mitterand’s socialists in 1981 and Mitterand’s role in shaping the turn of the era in 1989/90. Finally, Waechter describes the developments that led to the unsettled nation of today.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406736537

Main content page count: 0 Pages

ISBN: 9783406736537