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Phil Buchanan

Effective Philanthorpy and Making Every Dollar Count

A practical, inspirational guide to philanthropy, at all levels of giving.
Charitable giving in the U.S. reached a new high in 2017 of more than $400 billion, with the majority of American households giving to charity. And every giver, from the tech titan to the everyday middle class citizen, needs to answer the same question: How do I channel my giving effectively to make the greatest difference? It's the fundamental question at the heart of philanthropy, whether givers want their donation to improve schools, prevent disease, or protect basic freedoms, and whether they are in a position to give $1 million or $1.

Giving Done Right, by Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) President Phil Buchanan, arms donors with what it takes to do more good, more quickly, and to avoid predictable errors that lead too many astray. This is a crucial manual that will reveal the secrets and lessons learned - some painful, some powerful -- from some of the biggest givers. It will bust commonly held myths and demystify an opaque industry - setting donors up with both the practical "how-tos" and the inspiration that is needed for success.

Giving Done Right offers the intellectual frameworks, data-driven insights, tools, and practical examples to allow readers to understand exactly what it takes to make a difference.

Phil Buchanan is founding chief executive of the Center for Effective Philanthropy, a seventeen-year-old nonprofit that conducts research and advises the largest foundations in the country, including Ford, Hewlett, Packard, MacArthur, and Rockefeller. He is also co-founder of YouthTruth, a national student survey provider. He is a columnist for the Chronicle of Philanthropy, and his op-eds and articles have appeared in the New York Times, Stanford Social Innovation Review, and Financial Times. In 2016, the Nonprofit Times named him the nonprofit "influencer of the year," and he has seven times been among the newspaper's "power & influence top 50." He speaks around the country on philanthropic issues and lives in Lexington, Massachusetts with his wife and two daughters.
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Published 2019-04-16 by Public Affairs


Published 2019-04-16 by Public Affairs


Giving Done Right should be required reading for anyone looking to better understand how to achieve more effectiveness in their giving. Phil Buchanan's research, data and storytelling make clear the challenges with bringing a business mindset to solving social problems. This book provides a thorough overview of the change in mindset necessary to attain more satisfaction with your giving.

For any philanthropist-whether you give large amounts or small-your money will go much further and your impact will be much deeper if you understand the insights and advice offered in this book. It is the essential guide to effective giving in the 21st century, so you can play your part in the great American tradition of giving back. Don't donate without it.

Giving is easy. Giving with real impact is anything but. In this go-to primer, Phil Buchanan offers invaluable insights about the art and practice of strategic philanthropy.

Giving Done Right punctures myths and provides helpful guidance about the complexities and joys of philanthropy. Buchanan makes a persuasive and always practical case for why non-profits are not like businesses, why giving is not like investing, and how readers can find their own satisfying path to doing great good.

A thoughtful, engaging read with important insights and valuable analysis to help donors and philanthropists be more effective with their giving. A must read for those who really want to make a difference when supporting non-profits.

Phil Buchanan is arguably the best informed and most insightful thought leader in philanthropy today, and this book shows him at his best: Like its author, Giving Done Right is grounded in data, animated by real stories well told, and provocative in ways that shed more light than heat. An essential and highly readable guide for foundations and donors ready to move beyond feeling good to doing good.