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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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John David Mann Bob Burg

A guide to sales and selling based on the core principles and "five laws of stratospheric success" from the bestselling business parable The Go-Giver (over 120,000 copies in print).
With their national bestseller The Go-Giver, Bob Burg and John David Mann took the business world by storm, showing that giving is the most fulfilling and effective path to success. That simple, profound story has inspired hundreds of thousands of readers around the world-but some have wondered how its lessons stand up to the tough challenges of everyday real-world business.

Now Burg and Mann answer that question in Go-Givers Sell More, a practical guide that makes giving the cornerstone of a powerful and effective approach to selling.

Most of us think of sales as convincing potential customers to do something they don't really want to. This mentality sets up an adversarial relationship and makes the sales process much harder than it has to be.

As Burg and Mann demonstrate, it's far more productive (and satisfying) when salespeople think like Go-Givers. Cultivate a trusting relationship and focus exclusively on creating value for the other person, say the authors, and great results will follow automatically.

Drawing on a wide range of examples of real-life salespeople who have prospered by giving more, Burg and Mann offer tips and strategies that anyone in sales can start applying right away.
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Published 2010-02-01 by Portfolio


Published 2010-02-01 by Portfolio


Destined to become a classic of selling from the heart.

I love this book. I could tell you all about how well it's written and how full it is of knowledge, value, service and real-world examples of success and influence due to giving. Instead, I'll say simply that Go-Givers Sell More will touch a lot of lives.

A timeless classic with insightful lessons for business, marriage, or friendship.

For those of us who have always thought of sales as a dirty word or necessary evil, Burg and Mann remind us, brilliantly and compassionately, that it really is possible to do well by doing good.

If you're serious about selling as a career, you'd be doing yourself a disservice not to read this book and follow its recommended practices.

In our company, The Go-Giver helped us move the whole organization toward providing more value and better service. We had all our store General Managers read itand Go-Givers Sell More will be the next book we give them!

Go-givers do sell more. Why? Because they shift their focus from getting to giving, and create value one customer at a time.

This marvelous book gets to the heart of successful selling: a genuine attitude and spirit of connecting with others. You will learn how to open your heart and mind in new ways to improve your sales career.

This book deserves a place on your bookshelf right next to Og Mandino's The Greatest Salesman in the World.

Simple, practical, and above all, amazingly effectivea blueprint for achieving a successful life.

Use the approach in this book and you will not only sell more, you will also live a rich and joyful life. It works!

Every professional on the planet needs to read this book.

Burg and Mann have given us the perfect companion volume to their breakout bestseller, The Go-Giver. If the first book changed your thinking, this one will change your actions.

Go-Givers Sell More completely revolutionizes the way most people have traditionally viewed sales. If you're ready to transform your business, watch your sales soar, and feel proud and confident as a salesperson, you need this book.

Burg and Mann have unlocked the key to superstar selling: focus on others and touch lots of lives with authentic, exceptional value. Prepare to follow their suggestions and create more abundance.

Beautifully reveals the paradox of genuine sellingthat it's all about the other person.