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Jonathan Beck
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Godless Nation

Horst Dreier

Religion in the Secular Modern Day

Godless Nation is not a pamphlet, but rather a contentious analysis. Horst Dreier argues that in a modern democracy, the state must not identify with any particular religion, even if that religion is Christianity. Only in a state completely independent from any particular religion can all citizens live freely according to their beliefs.

However, a state without God does not mean a world without God or a society without God, and certainly does not mean a person without God. Rather it means that the democracy of the constitution is completely incompatible with any form of theocracy, whether a Christian state or any other sacred order. Germany’s development towards a multireligious and multicultural society has created new areas of conflict between the followers of different faiths and between them and the state. Especially in light of the intense debate over culture clashes and Islam’s challenge of liberal Western societies, we need to reflect on the basic structures, questions, and problems of the secular state.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406718717

Main content page count: 256 Pages

ISBN: 9783406718717