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Bernd Stefan Grewe

A World History

‘To gold all throng, all hangs on gold’ as Gretchen puts it in Goethe’s ‘Faust I’.

As a burial gift, it played a role in early cultures; in the form of crown jewels, it symbolizes sovereign power; during the gold rush, it enthralled thousands of adventurers; in the gold mines of the world, workers are exploited to this day, and, far into the twentieth century, it served to guarantee currency stability. In his gripping and informative book, Bernd-Stefan Grewe delineates the political, economic and cultural significance of gold throughout human history.

‘Gold is gold and nothing else.’

J. P. Morgan

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406732126

Main content page count: 128 Pages

ISBN: 9783406732126