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Linda Tirado

Living in Bootstrap America

I’ve been waiting for this book for a long time. Well, not this book, because I never imagined that the book I was waiting for would be so devastatingly smart and funny, so consistently entertaining and unflinchingly on target. In fact, I would like to have written it myself – if, that is, I had lived Linda Tirado’s life and extracted all the hard lessons she has learned. I am the author of Nickel and Dimed, which tells the story of my own brief attempt, as a semi-undercover journalist, to survive on low-wage retail and service jobs. Tirado is the real thing. —from the foreword by Barbara Ehrenreich, New York Times bestselling author of Nickel and Dimed
We in America have certain ideas of what it means to be poor. Linda Tirado, in her signature brutally honest yet personable voice, takes all of these preconceived notions and smashes them to bits. She articulates not only what it is to be working poor in America (yes, you can be poor and live in a house and have a job, even two), but what poverty is truly like—on all levels.

In her thought-provoking voice, Tirado discusses how she went from lower-middle class, to sometimes middle class, to poor and everything in between, and in doing so reveals why “poor people don’t always behave the way middle-class America thinks they should.”

Linda Tirado is a completely average American with two kids and, until recently, two jobs. Her essay “Why I Make Terrible Decisions, or, Poverty Thoughts,” was picked up by The Huffington Post, The Nation, and countless other publications, and was read by more than six million people. Hand to Mouth is her first book.
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Published 2014-10-02 by Putnam


Published 2014-10-02 by Putnam


Tirado's raw reportage offers solidarity for those on the front lines of hardship yet issues a cautionary forewarning to the critical: ‘Poverty is a potential outcome for all of us.’ Outspoken and vindictive, Tirado embodies the cyclical vortex of today's struggle to survive. Read more...

What makes Tirado's book particularly forceful is that she does not merely rage. Read more...

Linda Tirado, a straight-talking young mother from Utah, is being hailed as hero of the poor after her account of her life in poverty went viral. Review and Interview Read more...

That Tirado hasn’t yet collapsed is testament to her courage and ability to endure the nearly unbearable consequences of hard luck, hard times, and bad laws. Enthralling and horrifying, this should be required reading for policymakers.

Whatever the truth, this book should inspire important discussion.

The book's triumph is Tirado's methodical rejection of the idea that poor people in this country are in control of their… so therefore they should be the ones held solely accountable for their plights… you won't soon forget her voice, or her message. When she wrote the last page of this book, I hope she dropped the mic. Read more...

Here are the links to a fantastic interview Linda did with Bill Maher: “Real Time with Bill Maher” / HBO – one-on-one interview, “Backstage with Bill Maher” – web extra, “Overtime with Bill Maher” – online panel discussion

Articulate, insightful, and saturated with life experience, Tirado's story is not unlike millions of others in America, but her strong voice has the opportunity to bring that story to new ears. Read more...

This is dark material, to be sure, but Tirado is fierce and funny in equal measure. Read more...