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Handbook of Latin Literature of Antiquity - Volume VI, part 1

Peter Lebrecht Schmidt Jean-Denis Berger

Literature in the Age of Theodosius (374 - 430 AD) * First part: Professional Prose, Poetry, Art Prose * Second part: Christian Prose

Edited by Reinhart Herzog and Peter Lebrecht Schmidt. Edited by Jean Denis Berger, Jacques Fontaine and Peter Lebrecht Schmidt The long-awaited, monumental 6th volume of the Handbook of Latin Literature of Antiquity, now published in two parts, is dedicated to the era of Emperor Theodosius (374-430) - a time of great flowering of Latin literature of late antiquity.

The long-awaited, monumental 6th volume of the Handbook of Latin Literature of Antiquity, now published in two parts, is dedicated to the era of Emperor Theodosius (374-430) - a time of great flowering of Latin literature of late antiquity.

In the various cultural centres and the different regions of the Roman Empire - Italy, Illyria, Gaul, Spain and Africa - not only a multitude of new literary forms developed, but also the traditional genres were revived in the confrontation with Christian literature. The triumvirate of Christian literature - Ambrose, Jerome and Augustine - as well as the profane authors Symmachus and Ammianus Marcellinus and the poetic works of Paulinus of Nola, Claudian and Prudentius are comprehensively presented. The theological debates reflected in the texts are of great interest in the history of ideas, while the specialist literature provides deep insight into the scholar and scientific life of the time.

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Published 2023-05-22 by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 768 Pages