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DeA PLaneta Libri
Maria Luisa Borsarelli
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Happiness never stands still


The story of Leo, my rebel kid

All parents have many stories to tell on big or small disasters, funny or less funny, made by their young children: broken pots, very public blows, bad reactions on the playground. Chiara has much more than that. Leo announced himself while he was still in her belly: with some good kicks he detached the cartilage from the rib of Chiara. And after coming out of her belly, he had immediately shown himself as a rebel kid, who could not stay still for a moment, could not obey like other kids, had unpredictable and violent reactions. Why Leo did not calm down, as all (grandparents, pediatricians, teachers) told he would do with time? Why he could not behave like a “good boy”?

Leo suffers from disturbance in attention and hyperactivity: a syndrome not yet very well known, that often hydes behind the ADHD acronym, in families and in schools, in spite of the diagnosis that are multiplying in recent years. Now Leo has ten years, in the village they know about this diagnosis, at school they have finally understood it was not misbehaviour and listlessness, and things are improving. Everyday problems are many, but now Chiara knows her child is special, more “troubled” than others, but as clever, well-mannered, sensitive and good. And she wants to tell her story, so less parents will find themselves lost in front of their troubled kids, less teachers will treat them as small thugs, less people will judge them, isolate them, misunderstand them. 

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Published 2018-06-01 by deAgostini

Main content page count: 192 Pages