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Garry Disher

It's 1909, and a scrap man buys a scab-kneed three year old for a few shillings. She joins his wife and an older girl to form a ragbag family and is put to work on his stony acres. She traps rabbits and makes toasting forks. When they have enough forks to hawk around the countryside she pickpockets and slips silently through windows looking at other people's lives. She is nameless, he calls her feebleminded. He hides her in plain sight. She bides her time, watching and listening, always plotting to run. But all the while the world is changing, moving through peace and war. Another baby has joined them and death is rustling nearby. Will she leave? Will she stay? And if she stays, who can she save?
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Published 2017-08-01 by Hachette Australia


Author talks about writing this novel.