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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Annelie Geissler |
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Water, Electricity, the Internet, and the Secrets Behind the Systems We Use Every Day
A four-color YA graphic nonfiction project: the hidden history and geography of how our world really works.
The world we live in is stitched together by systems we often can't see and which we know very little about. Our lives depend on these systems and yet their architecture, their operation, and the differences between how they were first conceived versus how they've come to function reveal a surprisingly rich and intricate world right beneath our noses. Taken together how we get our water, how our world is wired for power, the way we handle waste and recycling, and the little known infrastructure of the internet we can discover the hidden history and geography of interlocking networks that make our lives possible and keep our worlds moving smoothly.
HIDDEN SYSTEMS, in a beautifully designed and factually rich comics format, will be full of information, insight and discovery for readers of all ages.
Random House Graphic is a brand new imprint and is a part of Random House Children's Group. HIDDEN SYSTEMS will be published as a YA title but with the full expectation of an all ages readership.
Dan Nott is a cartoonist, illustrator, and educator. His work has been featured in THE NIB, SEVEN DAYS, Fusion's GRAPHIC CULTURE section, and been featured in MEDIUM's Editor's Picks, and in the Dan lives in Vermont.
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Published 2023-03-14 by Random House Graphic |