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Hellmut Flashar

Master of the Art of Healing. His Life and Work

Doctor Hippokrates, hailing from the Greek island of Cos, was famous for his art of healing. His writings came to strongly influence the medical treatises of later generations of healers. The most remarkable piece in this collection, also known as the Corpus Hippocraticum, is the Hippocratic Oath: up to this day, it sets the ethical standard for any medical practitioner.

What did Hippokrates (ca. 460 to 380 BC) and those who came after him really know about man? What did they think about the human body and diseases? How did they explain the causes of epidemics, epileptic attacks and gynecological disorders? How did they diagnose diseases? What did they think of diets, when did they prescribe them? In this fascinating introduction to the ancient art of healing, renowned historian of antiquity Hellmut Flashar offers answers to all of these questions. The book is a tribute to Hippokrates’ lasting influence on the medical sciences in the 2000 years to follow.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406697463

Main content page count: 297 Pages

ISBN: 9783406697463