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Susanne Simor
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History of South Tyrol

Brigitte Mazohl Rolf Steininger

History of a unique cultural landscape.

From Ötzi to Oswald von Wolkenstein to the freedom fighters around Andreas Hofer, from Paleolithic traces of human life to Roman transit routes, medieval castles and towns to the 20 th century shattered by wars, which only came to a conciliatory end in 1992 with the autonomy of the South Tyroleans: Brigitte Mazohl and Rolf Steininger tell the eventful story of this ancient cultural landscape between Germanic north and Romanic south.

For 15 000 years people have been living in the mountain landscape characterised by rugged cliffs and lovely valleys, which we call South Tyrol. From 59 BC to the Migration Period, this transit region belonged to the Roman Empire, and from the 6 th century onwards it was inhabited by Bajuwars. In 1363 the county of Tyrol fell to the Habsburgs - for more than half a millennium. Since 1919 South Tyrol has been separated from the northern and eastern parts of the country. But in the European region Tyrol-South and Tyrol-Trentino, what belongs together grows together again since 1998.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 224 Pages