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Jonathan Beck
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How Interpretation Becomes Change

Kurt Bayertz

Karl Marx and his Philosophy

Hasn’t everything already been said about Karl Marx? Actually, this impression is deceptive, especially when it comes to the philosophical foundations of his work. In his astute book, Kurt Bayertz reveals key aspects of Marx’s theory that are fundamental to its comprehension. He demonstrates that it is actually Marx who only takes his own rejection of philosophy at face value because he deliberately grounded himself in a genuinely philosophical tradition of thought: materialism.

Marx accused philosophers of only interpreting the world differently, when the most important thing is to change it. This has usually been viewed as his departure from philosophical thinking. Especially since Marx himself went to a great deal of trouble to conceal the philosophical presuppositions of his theory from himself and his readers. Yet he never really freed himself from these presuppositions. They shaped his entire body of work and even found their way into his writings on economics. In fact, his concept of political action also remains inscrutable without them. By reasserting a philosophical foundation, Bayertz lays the groundwork for a deeper understanding of Marxist theory and redefines its place in the history of thought.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406721304

Main content page count: 272 Pages

ISBN: 9783406721304