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How Nietzsche Came Out of the Cold

Philipp Felsch

A Story of Salvation

After 1945, both Nietzsche's reputation and the European continent lay in ruins. It was Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari of all people, two Italian anti-fascists, who set out to rehabilitate the philosopher of the superhuman Übermensch and the "blond beast." In this brilliantly written book, Philipp Felsch tells an intellectual adventure story that leads from Florence via East Berlin to postmodern Paris.

What the two Italians were trying to do: decode Nietzsche's surviving writings in a completely new way and to liberate them from all posthumous falsifications. The problem: ten thousand barely legible pages kept behind the Iron Curtain of the DDR, where Nietzsche had been officially deemed an enemy of the state. In 1961, Montinari moved from Tuscany to the home of real socialism to decode the "real" Nietzsche under the watchful eyes of the Stasi. But he and Colli would soon realize that the French philosophers making use of their edition were questioning the idea of the authentic text, of truth itself. It was the beginning of postmodernism. Philipp Felsch tells a dynamic tale set between the fronts of the Cold War, revealing the entire fascination with Nietzsche's thinking and its ambivalence as it was reflected in the ideological struggles of the twentieth century.

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Published 2022-03-14 by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406777011

Main content page count: 287 Pages

ISBN: 9783406777011