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How to overcome fear of driving

Joanne Mallon

The road to driving confidence

An enlightening and practical book for anyone experiencing any degree of fear of driving.

This is an enlightening and practical book for anyone experiencing any degree of fear of driving. Whether you don’t drive at all and can barely look at a car, or if you drive sporadically and only when you have to, or even if you drive every day but still don’t like doing so – then this is the book for you. You may feel that you have a phobia, a deeply held fear or simply a niggling sense of unease that you want to conquer. This is a book for anyone who wants to step away from any fear of driving and towards becoming a confident driver instead.

The author is a former driving phobic who avoided driving for seven years but is now happily back on the roads and wants to help you get there too. How to overcome fear of driving includes advice from many world-renowned professionals working with people with driving phobia and brings together all their combined knowledge of what will conquer this fear. It contains practical exercises you can do from home and a guided plan to get you driving again. With the advice, understanding and practical exercises in this book, you can start your journey towards driving confidence.

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Published 2023-05-30 by Nell James Publishers , ISBN: 9780956702463

Main content page count: 154 Pages

ISBN: 9780956702463