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Robert Glazer

Simple and Effective Tips for Successful, Productive, and Empowered Remote Work

A new book, based on the short Kindle HOW TO MAKE VIRTUAL TEAMS WORK, published in July 2020.
Transform your career or your business with these simple tips and tricks to make virtual working easier than ever before - office no longer required. The remote work revolution is here. Even before COVID-19 created the largest remote work experiment in history, the business world was already gravitating toward virtual workplaces. Suddenly organizations as big as Twitter are learning that their employees don't need an office in order to get great results. How to Thrive in the Virtual Workplace shows how to stay productive, feel like part of a team and make the most of remote working. Robert Glazer shares the principles, tactics and tools his company has developed in more than a decade of successfully working as a joined-up but 100 per cent remote workforce, as well as interviewing other leaders in the sector about what works for them. As founder and CEO of Acceleration Partners, an organization with 170 employees who all work from home, Glazer has been recognized with dozens of awards for its industry performance and company culture. Here, he shares a step-by-step guide to building a culture of flexibility and trust, hiring and communicating effectively - both internally and externally - as a successful remote business. Robert Glazer is the founder and CEO of Acceleration Partners, a global partner marketing agency and the recipient of numerous industry and company culture awards, including Glassdoor's Employees' Choice Awards two years in a row. He is the author of the inspirational newsletter Friday Forward, author the Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller, Elevate, and the international bestselling books, How To Make Virtual Teams Work and Performance Partnerships. He is a sought-after speaker by companies and organizations around the world and is the host of The Elevate Podcast. His new book, Friday Forward, publishes September 1st, 2020.
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Published 2021-06-01 by Simple Truths / Sourcebooks


Glazer provides a positive outlook for a onetime trend fast becoming commonplace reality in this handy guide.

If you're still struggling with remote work, Bob Glazer knows something about how to make it work. His company has been doing it for over a decade, and you'll be able to implement some of his advice right away.

'Invaluable guidance on how organizations can embrace the flexibility of remote work while sustaining wellbeing and connection... Immensely timely, practical and encouraging.

HOW TO THRIVE made the Amazon charts at #9 the book reached #10 on Amazon's Kindle New Release charts, become the #1 Bestseller on the Nonfiction and Business charts, and named a Barnes and Noble Bestseller as well. (June 3, 2021) Read more...

#1 Bestseller, Nonfiction Ebook (June 2021)

A timely, practical, and highly informative guide to effective techniques for remote work; of benefit to practitioners or students of business. Highly recommended. Read more...

UK: Bluebird ; China: Citic ; China (compl.): Yuan-Liou

HOW TO THRIVE IN THE VIRTUAL WORKPLACE is Longlisted for the BookPal Outstanding Works of Literature Award Read more...